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Marketing Concepts

Major Marketing Concepts You Need To Know

In this article, we will discuss major marketing concepts you need to know. So keep reading.

The perception about marketing is that businesses have to evaluate the needs of their customers first of all. Finding those needs will help companies make informed decisions and choices that meet customers’ needs better than their competitors.

A marketing professional has to know that several brands are selling the same thing. No matter what they are selling, you have to realize that you need to do everything possible to deliver better values, services, and products as compared to your competitors.

For starters, you need to know what your customers want and what they will need. How can you know what a customer will need and want?

The first thing will be to define these needs and wants. Customer needs do differ from wants. Markets are focused on the necessities one needs to live. For example, water, food, and shelter are man’s basic needs, and essential products related to these needs can fall under the same umbrella.

Customers make buying decisions depending on their needs and want. Marketers understand their target consumers’ needs and use their desires to create appealing products they can buy. The whole idea of marketing includes:

  • Identifying the market and targeting consumers
  • Comprehending the needs and wants of the consumers in the target niche
  • Developing products or services based on the consumers’ needs and wants
  • Meeting the needs of consumers better than competitors.
  • Achieving all of the above whiles making money

Product Positioning

Product positioning is a marketing concept that offers the enormous benefits of your product or service to a specific target audience. Via extensive market research and focus groups, marketers can look for the best audience to target.

This depends on your findings and how receptive the market will be to your product. Product positioning can consist of different factors, and products are positioned to grasp the audience’s attention when advertised with favorable prices.

Your market research should try to find out what your buyers like about a product, what will attract your buyers, and the best medium you can use to advertise to them.

There are some essential marketing concepts listed in this Forbes article that can enhance your marketing efforts.

If you can analyze and find answers to these questions, you will be able to come up with an effective marketing plan. This will enable you to position your product well in the market and is a concept that every marketer needs to master.

Though big companies have the budgets for detailed market research, small businesses may have difficulty raising funds or doing extensive research. Small companies can instead get the opinions of their network to evaluate the product they want to launch.

If they can get information from customers’ previous purchases, they can focus their future product positioning on the data they obtain. It is better to get the opinions of loyal/previous customers instead of potential customers.

According to the book “Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind” from this DAP list, you need to be quite creative to deliver the marketing campaign. The book encourages marketers to discover a competitor’s weakness and capitalize on building the most robust marketing campaign and quality product.


The moment you start your marketing career, the brand is no longer just about the product. It becomes a part of the media, and your success depends on the emotional connection you will create that is connected to your target consumers.

Think of your marketing campaign as a movie. No one will love to watch a boring film with no exciting scenes. Similarly, no one will want to engage a brand that does not trigger any emotions in them.

Some people get super excited when an ad pops up or know the actions or words in an advert. These groups of people have been consumed by the concept or the storyline the ad tells.

This is the kind of advert you should aim for, and marketers usually make the error of assuming the right product will speak for itself. The bitter truth is, we are no longer in the era where you just create a fantastic product and let people come for it.

Check the marketing concepts of popular brands like Apple and Nike; they make their audience feel something through their genuineness, consistency, authenticity, and transparency. As a new marketer, you need to focus on the story about your product and tell it with all honesty.

When thinking about the story to tell, you need to ask yourself the following questions. What makes my product relatable? How will they feel after using this product? One thing you should bear in mind is that relatable stories will always win.

Copy And Design Need A Lot Of Attention

You need to know the concept of design as a marketer. Engaging products and stories commence with strong brand identities. Building a strong brand identity requires creative writers and designers.

The way you can showcase a product to an audience is very important for a marketer. Use high-definition pictures, creative and well-elaborated pictures, and high-quality writing. You have to present your product online in an appealing way because it dramatically influences your customers’ buying decisions.

Even if two companies sell the same product and the same price with one poorly displayed, most people will go in for the well-displaced product because it shows credibility. You can even give your consumers tips on how to make use of your product or service.

This is quite relevant for brands that offer online shopping services, which is a current major trend. Product presentation is everything, and no professional marketer should joke about this concept.

These marketing concepts can help every marketer attain their business goals, especially when they figure out the needs and wants of their target market. This will help the brand deliver quality products the brand needs.

Paying attention to your customers and business values is the best way to drive sales. Marketing is all about finding the right products for your clients. Marketing is a continually evolving field today. And it would be safe to say that the study of marketing is ongoing for every marketer.

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