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Blog Name Generator

Blog Name Generator: The Greatest Tools for Choosing the Ideal Name

Since a blog’s name is the first thing that visitors will notice about it, choosing the proper one might be one of the most important decisions you make when beginning a blog. A blog name generator may help you quickly generate a name for your site.

Based on the words you provide, a blog name generator may generate and recommend suitable blog names; some even check to see whether the name you select is already taken.

This post discusses the top-recommended blog name generators that create memorable and branded blog names.

Recommended Top Website Name Generators

We’ll look over the best websites in this area to assist you in deciding on the ideal name for your blog.

1. Nameboy


One of the greatest blog name generators available is Nameboy, which can come up with a ton of creative blog name suggestions in a matter of seconds.

Nameboy may assist customers in coming up with names for their podcast, eCommerce store, or company in addition to creating names for blogs.

Also, Nameboy is quite simple to use. Simply type in one or two keywords, and the tool will provide suggestions depending on what you type in.

Assume for the moment that you want to launch a travel blog where you will document your experiences traveling alone. An example of a key phrase associated with this niche is “solo travel”; type it into Nameboy to see the following results:


Nameboy is a great tool for folks who wish to add certain keywords to the name of their blog since it incorporates the phrases you enter into all of its name recommendations.

2. Domain Wheel


Domain Wheel is a free online resource that assists users in selecting appropriate names and domains for personal or commercial blogs.

Enter a term into the search field and choose Search Domain to utilize the Domain Wheel. After that, a list of available domain names will appear. Once you submit a query, you can use extensions to filter the results.

The search results for travel blog names will seem like this if you type the term “travel” into the field:


Clicking the View Details option will allow you to register the domain name you’ve chosen for your blog.

If, however, the first suggestions don’t appeal to you, scroll down to see more unusual and sporadic suggestions that exclude your keyword.

In addition, Domain Wheel suggests alternative terms that sound and rhyme with your keywords, providing you with a wide range of original options.

3. Lean Domain Search


A free domain name generator called Lean Domain Search may generate hundreds of possible names in an instant.

This tool only suggests.com domains; it overlooks less common domain extensions because it is efficiency-focused.

Enter a single term and click the search icon to begin using Lean Domain Search. The program will produce a ton of domain names that are available in less than a second.

After entering “fashion” to obtain a list of potential names for fashion blogs, here is how the results page appears:


The results can be sorted alphabetically, by popularity, or by length by users. Also, they have the option to filter names that begin or finish with their search keyword.

Additionally, all of the findings may be copied to the clipboard for sharing or saving.

Lastly, Lean Domain Search can determine if the name is still accessible for Twitter registration.

4. Wordoid


Wordoid is another tool for creating memorable blog names. You may use this tool to generate creative blog name concepts for a variety of topics.

Wordoid generates wordoids—made-up names that are spoken, recognizable, and brandable. Despite their seeming similarity to actual words, they are not found in dictionaries.

The sophisticated UI of this name-generating tool is easy to use. Additionally, it offers several choices to help users with the naming process for their blogs.

First off, wordoid creation is available in five languages: English, German, Spanish, French, and Italian. You can utilize one or more of them simultaneously.

In addition, a quality level setting determines the appearance, texture, and sound of the wordoids. There are three settings available to users: high, medium, and low. The wordoid will be more lifelike the greater the quality.

You may also change the wordoids’ pattern by selecting which word to start, contain, or finish with.

Users can choose a maximum length of 15 characters. Keep the wordoids’ length between five and 10 letters to make them more visually appealing and simpler to recall.

Lastly, wordoids with.com domains that are inaccessible can be hidden.

5. Namify


Another great name generator is Namify. Its main goal is to assist users in coming up with ideas for company names, but it may also assist in finding some creative blog titles.

Based on the information you provide, Namify generates hundreds of original blog names. Compared to what other generators come up with, the majority of the proposals are shorter and more contemporary.

For optimum results, input a minimum of two keywords when using Namify. You must also select the category that best fits your specialization to use this tool.

Use terms like “meal” and “recipe” to find food blog names, for instance, then choose the Food category. Next, Namify will display the suggested names in the following format:


To verify the availability of a domain, click on the name of your choice. If the.com domain is unavailable, Namify will show alternative extensions.

The availability of Namify on social media is yet another fantastic feature. It informs you of the availability of the name you choose across various social media networks.

Lastly, to increase the legitimacy of your blog, Namify provides sophisticated logo options that correspond with the name you have chosen.

6. Panabee


One of the most widely used resources for creating blog, domain, and app names is Panabee. It has an easy-to-use interface and a stylish style.

By combining keywords, removing or double-stacking letters, and switching related words, this blog name generator generates names.

Enter terms that best describe your specialty into Panabee and hit Search. To discover names that are fascinating and distinctive, try typing several keywords.

To come up with suggestions for blog names related to the beauty business, you may enter terms like “beauty” and “glam” into Panabee. The outcomes will look like this:


See which recommendations have a blue heart next to them to see which domain names are up for registration. If the preferred name isn’t available, choose See Choices to view other options. We will offer a selection of registered domain names for sale as premium domains.

7. NameStation


One well-known blog name generator is NameStation. It does have some restrictions, though, such as requiring you to create a free account before utilizing the tool.

Enter the name you’re naming and the crucial keywords to add on NameStation to get name recommendations.

When you enter the word “allure” into this blog name generator to come up with a name for a beauty blog, this is what the results page looks like:


Users may browse a list of several tools on the left side of the website, one of which is the ability to mix words by adding prefixes and suffixes.

NameStation’s free edition only shows domains with the.com TLD. Viewing names with more extensions requires purchasing a premium subscription.

In the end, NameStation’s most distinctive feature is its name competitions, which allow users to crowdsource suggestions for domain names. After checking in, select New Contest and fill out the necessary details to begin a contest. As soon as you select the winning name, the contest will finish.

8. BNG Generator for Business Names


The greatest blog name generator for you is BNG Business Name Generator if you’re searching for a memorable domain or brand name that fits your industry.

To generate hundreds of names, users only need to input a few keywords into an AI-powered system. Additionally, the industries that fit the query will be automatically assigned by the generator.

When you enter keywords into BNG Business Name Generator to get a lifestyle blog name, for example, it will propose names like this:


The Significance of Blog Names

Your blog name represents your online presence, and it’s important to build your personal brand’s reputation.

By giving out hints about the content of the site, a blog’s name may also aid in attracting viewers. Therefore, coming up with a name is an essential first step before you begin blogging.

A few well-known blogs with unusual names include The Everywhereist, Dooce, and Everyday Carry.

A memorable and distinctive moniker is essential if you want to progress from being a casual blogger to a professional one.

Here are some characteristics of a quality blog name:

  • It is memorable and simple to say.
  • It stands for one or more of the advantages that your blog provides.
  • As the blog expands, it will still fit.
  • It isn’t connected to derogatory or stigmatized ideas.

Though it could be challenging to think of a blog name that encompasses each of these characteristics, there is a fix for this issue.

How to Pick the Ideal Name for Your Blog

In the next part, we’ll discuss brand-based names and keyword-based names, and determine which might be a better fit for your blog title.

Name Based on Keywords

When searching for information, people enter words or phrases into search engines, which are known as keywords.

To improve your blog’s search engine rankings, make sure all site components, including blog post titles and meta descriptions, contain relevant keywords (SERPs).

The most advantageous thing for you to do is to incorporate a keyword into the name of your blog.

This may significantly boost the number of views your site receives because incorporating keywords in your blog name can help the site rank well on SERPs. In actuality, organic searches account for 53% of all website traffic.

Do keyword research to determine your target keywords. Finding common keywords or phrases that people type into search engines is a crucial part of search engine optimization (SEO) strategies.

Here You Can What Advantages Does Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Offer To Business Owners?

Make a list of a few terms associated with your specialty to get the keyword research process started. After that, enter them into a keyword research tool such as Google Keyword Planner or SEMRush.

When naming your blog, you may utilize the keyword list that these tools will provide you. They’ll be helpful when you produce blog entries as well because including keywords in your writing will raise its search engine ranking.

Name Based on a Brand

Usually, distinctively coined words are used to build brand-based names. They are simple to spell and easy to remember.

A brand-based name doesn’t need to have significance or be related to your expertise. It may occasionally be a completely random term. It can expand and evolve if it has a pleasant, captivating tone.

Successful brand names that have little to do with their respective sectors or target markets are Google, Amazon, and Facebook.

Play around with idioms and puns to come up with names for your brands. You can also use Pun Generator to produce puns on the computer.

For a personal blog, it’s also typical for a blogger to use their name. The blogs of Marie Forleo and Ryan Holiday are two examples.

FAQ About Blog Name Generator

We’ll address some of the most popular queries regarding blog titles in this area.

How Do I Choose a Name for My Blog?

When coming up with a creative blog name, give careful consideration to your blog’s content, target audience, and brand voice. Another option is to utilize blog generators, such as Wordoid, to mix relevant keywords, your brand, and memorable phrases to come up with the ideal blog name.

Should My Blog Be Named After Me?

Self-titled blogs are excellent for developing one’s brand. Under their names, several advisors, trainers, and specialists maintain blogs. It might be wiser to pick a name that matches your niche if you want to sell things and advertise your company.

What Is the Maximum Length for a Blog Name?

A blog name should be between six and fifteen letters long; any more than that is deemed excessive. Longer blog titles are more difficult for readers to recall. It’s preferable to have a brief and distinctive blog name. Social media handles benefit greatly from short names as well.

Which Top-Level Domain Is Ideal for a Blog?

Since the.com top-level domain is the most widely used, we advise using it. A lot of individuals naturally type in blog and website addresses that begin with.com. Selecting distinctive domain extensions like.photo or.tech might help you stand out if you have a particular specialization.


Choosing a blog name is crucial since it plays a major role in your online persona.

Your blog name should be memorable and brandable if you want to become a great blogger and earn money from it.

You may quickly register your domain name and easily navigate the name creation procedure with the aid of blog name generators.

The top recommended  blog name generators are summarized here, along with some of their salient characteristics:

  • Nameboy- For people who need optimal keywords in their domain name, Nameboy is a good option.
  • DomainWheel- DomainWheel suggests terms based on sound and rhyming relationships with the supplied keywords.
  • Lean Domain Search- It is a very fast name generator that also verifies Twitter availability.
  • Wordoid-  Users of Wordoid can combine up to five different languages.
  • Namify – Namify Provides logo choices and a tool for social media availability.
  • Panabee- Panabee combines keywords and switches out similar ones to generate names.
  • NameStation-  With NameStation, users may crowdsource potential domain names.
  • BNG Business Name Generator-Users of BNG Business Name Generator can store their preferred names.

The use of keyword-based blog titles can help your site rank higher in search results. On the other hand, a brand-based name could be the greatest choice if you want to differentiate yourself from the competitors.

In conclusion, take your time and use blog name generators to come up with a catchy and distinctive new blog name.