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Guide To Write A Great UX Copy

An Ultimate Guide To Write A Great UX Copy

When you’re communicating with people online, as a brand or a product, every word matters. Writing a UX copy is the same as creating a brilliant UX design, only this time you’re using words. A great UX copy is supposed to build a bridge between the user and the product. This bridge needs to be strong, stable, and easy to cross. But, how can you write a great UX copy? The truth is, there are some basic, golden principles that you need to follow if you want to make sure your UX copy is a success. Luckily, we’ve got it all covered below so just keep reading. Here’s the ultimate Guide To Write A Great UX Copy.

1. Focus On Clarity

When you’re writing a UX copy for a product or a brand, your goal is to get the target audience where they need to be, easily.

But, your target audience is such a wide concept. There are going to be people of different ages, levels of education, social statuses, and backgrounds. And, your UX copy needs to speak to all of them.

This is why you have to focus on clarity and write according to these rules:

  • state facts
  • be concise
  • avoid fluff content
  • remove anything redundant and not useful
  • make sure every word counts

If you don’t focus on writing a clear UX copy, certain users might get confused and lose track of what you were trying to say. This is why clarity should always be your number one priority.

2. Aim For Simplicity

Simplicity is the second golden rule of a great UX copy that you need to stick to. But, what does it imply?

The rule of simplicity can be summed up in this sentence:

  • If you can say it more simply, do it.

That means that you should always look for the simplest, most understandable way to present information to the users. Here’s how to do it:

  • use everyday language
  • use simple vocabulary
  • avoid technical terminology or provide explanations for it
  • write short sentences with a clear point
  • be concise

If your UX copy is simple, people will find it easier to understand. As a result, they’ll be more willing to complete the process they initiated and do what they need to do.

3. Break It Down

Another way to make your UX copy better and improve its quality is to shape it properly. The structure needs to help the content come to life and make it easy for users to follow.

Here are the best things you can do to improve your UX copy in terms of structure:

  • break it down using subheadings
  • break it down into short paragraphs
  • make paragraphs up to 3 sentences long
  • make sentences short and simple
  • use bullet points
  • create lists

A great content structure is as important as choosing a great theme or design.

4. Stay Consistent

Consistency is obligatory. Inconsistency in a UX copy creates confusion, frustration, and ends in losing precious users.

But, consistency brings balance and sends a message of professionalism to your users.

Here’s what you need to do:

Use Consistent Terminology

For example, if you use the verb “manage” once you can’t use the verb “administer” for the same action later on.

Use Consistent Format

For example, if you address the users in the second person, don’t suddenly change it later on.

Make sure that your UX copy is consistent in every way, top to bottom. This will help you avoid confusion and help your users reach their goals faster.

5. Provide Useful Information

Your job as a UX writer is to give information that will help the users get where they want to be. But, if your information is vague or unclear, they won’t like it at all.

Here’s an example:

  • your user is in the middle of the process of registering an account
  • they’re asked to keep clicking “proceed” or “next”
  • still, they don’t know where each new click is taking them

This could cause frustration and have the users give up. Instead of “proceed” you could write “proceed to password settings”.

This way, you’ll be providing the useful information they want to hear.

6. Avoid Passive Voice

You want your UX copy to speak to your users and have them smoothly transits from one phase to the other. This is why you should always use active voice over passive voice.

Let’s compare:

  • Click this link and download the file.
  • The file needs to be downloaded once the link is clicked and opened.

The first example provides a simple, easy to follow solution. The second one is just confusing and poorly structured.

Therefore, use active voice instead of passive and make your UX copy more enjoyable to read.

7. Start With The Main Point

A UX copy should be able to provide answers to burning questions, within seconds. That means that the user should be able to locate and use the information they need as quickly as possible.

This is why you should always lead with the main point. Here’s how to do it:

  • clearly label what each section of the UX copy covers using subheadings
  • open strongly, stating the main point/information/solution
  • don’t use long introductions or poetical writing

Here’s what it looks like in practice:

Downloading The Template

To download the template, click the green button that says “download”.

Jump to the point and give all the information as soon as you can. In case you need help with writing strong openings, check out these best academic writing companies that can help you.

Final Thoughts

Writing a great UX copy is a task that requires a solid strategy and proper guidance. It also requires you to shape your own successful UX writing plan, and stick to it consistently.

Hopefully, the tips we’ve shared ultimate Guide To Write A Great UX Copy will help you improve your UX copies and provide your users with the best possible online experience.

Author’s bio.

Daniela McVicker is a blogger with rich experience writing about UX design, content planning, and digital marketing. Currently, she is the chief contributor at Essayguard where she helps individuals and organizations improve their web content writing, design, and planning skills. Her posts are always packed with examples and actionable content that readers can put straight into the action.