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Elements Of Web Design

The 7 Basic Elements Of Web Design

If web design were just about visuals and aesthetics, then there is little point in having to get it exactly right. But web design is more than just sprucing up your website—it affects your SEO and rankings, influences your audience’s perceptions of your brand, and affects your entire web presence. According to a White Peak Digital, here are the 7 basic elements of web design that can turn your online business dreams into gold:

Also, you can check Common Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring A Web Designer.

White Space

In web design, white space does not necessarily have to be white. This term is used to refer to the amount of empty space that serves as a buffer between the elements on your web pages, including margins, copy, and sidebar. You may wonder why this space is so important in web design. Well, just imagine if your website is so crowded that things don’t seem to have room enough to breathe. That makes it hard even for your web visitors to direct their attention to your message!

When you purposely design your website with white space, what you get is a clean web design that is organized and easy to digest. Not only that—you are also helping your readers to navigate their way around your website more easily. You can search for top design agencies for clean website building.

High Quality Product Videos

Adding product videos and other company feature videos to your website will not only help highlight your brand but also show everything that your business has to offer. This explains why video marketing has grown more and more popular over the years. Research shows that 92% of B2B customers love watching videos online, and 43% of them do so when they want to know more about products and services. You see, the impact of videos on your audience’s decision-making process is something you cannot underestimate.

Colour Palette

This may sound too basic, but a strong colour palette does play an important role in web design. Whether you are creating or revamping your website, it is important to think about what and how many colours you are going to incorporate in your website. Most modern website designs feature only two to three colours in their major design elements, but you can opt for more if you want to. However, we suggest that you simplify the colour scheme of your website because that will make it easier for your audience to focus on your message. Too many colours can get visually distracting, you know.


Imagine your target users visiting your website and then throwing in the towel three seconds later because your homepage is taking ages to load. With today’s technology, people expect things to load immediately. And we bet you don’t want your prospective customers to think negatively about your brand just because your website is slow!

Additional Resource: Top 40 Best B2B Websites on the Internet

Hero Images

Your website is useless if it fails to attract the attention of your target market and get them to avail of your products and services. But really, how do you get their attention and guide their eyes down your page? One of the ways to do that is by incorporating high-quality hero images into your web design. People generally love images and colours, so give them that. If you incorporate hero images throughout your website, your audience will keep looking around and even be encouraged to learn more about your offers.

Card Design

Since the advent of Pinterest, people have become fascinated with cards—so much that they even want various pieces of content broken up into cards! Well, the use of cards does not only make your website more beautiful, but it also helps with distributing information in a more visual way so your audience can easily consume and digest your content without feeling overwhelmed.

Semi-Flat Design

Ever heard of this term before? This design is any element that doesn’t give the perception of three dimensions. Compared to other designs, this one makes it much easier for users to understand your message and helps your website load more quickly. And take note: It’s called “semi-flat” because it’s not totally flat—you can add some elements of depth to your content to bring it to life!

Nowadays, several big players have shifted to this design because of the elegance it gives to their websites. You can do the same.

So that’s all from my side. I hope you enjoyed this article on the 7 basic elements of web design. Also, if you like this article then please share it with your friends and social media followers or find more digital marketing content here.