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WordPress Instagram Plugins

How Good Is The Auto Post To Create A WordPress Instagram Plugins

You will come across several such accounts on Instagram that have pictures posted in them from WordPress. If you want to do the same then you will have to use the available WordPress Instagram plugins but you may not know that there is another way to go about it.

Ideally, going from WordPress to Instagram will not only increase the reach of your blogs but will also enable you to get more life out of the content. At the same time, it will also expand the social radius and your content can be seen by your followers across totally different platforms as well.

Well, few people still think that moving from WordPress to Instagram is not really possible simply due to the fact that WordPress is ideally a blogging platform while Instagram, on the other hand, is essentially a social network dedicated to sharing photos in particular. However, this is an old-school thought and may be true in the past but over the years things have changed and people now post longer content on Instagram.

This has turned this platform into a true microblogging platform. In addition to its signature social network as it initially started. Recent developments have opened up Instagram API and this feature allows other external services to post pictures to user accounts.

The eventual result is that your content now performs double duty on Instagram given the fact that it has already functioned well on your blog. The best part of it is that making such a move is not hard at all. You simply need a good plugin and know how to go about it.

WP Instagram

Coming to you as simply as possible; WP Instagram has specific features and facts that make it so popular and useful in this modern digital world.

  • It combines the two things that you want to do primarily. Such as a post from WordPress to Instagram and at the same time display the Instagram feed on your site.
  • There is a PHP script to the method to offer you something different which you simply have to install on your server.
  • By using the online marketing auto-posting web application you will be allowed to auto-post to Instagram and even manage and schedule the posting in your Instagram accounts.
  • You will not even require logging in and out of several different social media platforms because using these plugins you can manage multiple Instagram accounts conveniently from one single place and post to your Instagram accounts simultaneously.
  • When you add the content to your Instagram; the plugin will automatically post all these items in other different accounts of yours.
  • These plugins will also ensure that you can easily import images from other accounts such as Dropbox and OneDrive accounts.

The most significant aspect of using these specific plugins is that these usually have a built-in Skill integration and PayPal. They will allow you to accept payments from the users when they use your website, making it doubly useful.

However, to make sure that the PayPal integration is enabled; you will simply need Client Secret and a PayPal API Client ID. When the Stripe integration is set up, the users will be able to make payments using their bank cards and will not have to leave your website for that matter. In case you are unsure, visit sites like https://gramblast.com/ to take the help of experts and make things easy for you.

Benefit for your business

Since Instagram is the most popular and favored social media platform that has about 800 million active users; it will pay you off well and put you in a better position. It will provide you with an edge over your competitors if you automatically post from WordPress To Instagram summary.

The huge user base of Instagram will be impressed with your move and love. If you post quality images on a regular basis. This will expand your reach and at the same time create a larger follower base. All this will benefit your business a great deal with the extra traffic created on your website.

If you use these WordPress Instagram plugins; you will be saved from the time and errors made in manual posting and utilize them in writing better content. Therefore, make the best use of WP Instagram,

How to use it: WordPress Instagram plugins

You will find it in the admin dashboard but if you do not then you can also download it. After that, install, activate, and enjoy in that order. Steps to follow include:

  • Look for the new WP Instagram item in the admin sidebar
  • Click on it
  • Put in your username and password and
  • Save it.

You are now ready to log into other accounts without experiencing any issues regarding the Required Server Extensions for these WordPress Instagram plugins. However, if you do then better get in touch with your host’s support and they will hook you up.

Set it up: WordPress Instagram plugins

Once you are logged in, figure out the settings. These are simple and do not involve a whole lot of poking, tweaking, and prodding to put these to work correctly. Ideally, you will have three specific sections in settings namely General Settings, Post Format, and Post Types.

  • For General Settings, you will basically need to decide whether or not you want to post automatically to Instagram every single image every time. If you check this then new posts will be moved to your Instagram account.
  • For Post Format and to post tags on Instagram; check the box to use as typically these will be posted with hashtags. This is how content spreads.
  • As for the Post Types, you will have to decide whether or not you want it to update only a specific type of post-types such as a custom post type. Make sure it is checked and the initial automatic posting is off.

You are now good to go and post about 2200 characters that will include captions and hashtags. Therefore, be sure about the maximum number of characters when you include hashtags and post other links.

Author Bio: Harris is a leading blog writer and content marketing professional with thousands of real Instagram followers for his postings. You can visit https://gramblast.com/ and learn how to build more follower presence.