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Perks of Integrating Instagram into Web Design

6 Perks Of Integrating Instagram Into Web Design

In this article, I am going to talk about the 6 perks of integrating Instagram into web design. So keep reading.

In the massive online business landscape, the value of web design cannot be neglected at any cost. A meticulously crafted website goes way beyond aesthetics. If you want to reach and communicate with your target audience, a well-designed functional website is very much important.

According to an Adobe survey, 38% of people ignore a website if the layout is dull or unattractive. Additionally, a similar number avoids a website if the images take too long to buffer. In essence, you have to design a website with an equal mixture of aesthetics and functionality.

You know that the first impression is the last. So, the first experience of the user must be positive towards your website. It takes less than a second for a user to provide a verdict about your website. Whereas, 80% of people will judge you and your brand based on your website design and 59% of internet users prefer a beautifully designed website over a normal design.

To gain the attention of your target audience, you have to think outside the box. You might not know, but Instagram holds a huge value in terms of your web design as explained in GoRead.io. This social media platform not only provides you followers but also helps you with your website design.

Website Designing Inspiration

You can get inspired by popular web design layout posts shared on Instagram. You need to rearrange your strategy because your competitors are staying ahead of you through extraordinary website designs. Remember that SEO and other internet marketing do not feature your web design prominently. However, it plays a crucial role to boost the overall performance of your online business.

If you’re searching for website designing inspiration, then Instagram can help you in various ways. You might be thinking about why you should prioritize Instagram. It is because Instagram has more than 1 billion monthly active users.

It is one of the most famous social media platforms because the number of active Instagram users doubled over the past 2 years. In the present day, nearly 50% of brands from the United States use Instagram to boost their business.

However, to increase your marketing, you should provide an excellently designed website to your audience.

In this article, we will discuss the 6 perks of integrating Instagram into web design.

Addition Of Instagram Feed Into Web Design

If you want to utilize the full power of Instagram, try to embed Instagram feed into your website. When your account contains a gorgeous feed, it will add color and a positive vibe to your web page. Users will be interested to find out more information about your account as well as they will continuously check for more products. To achieve this, you need to have an Instagram feed that connects with web colors and products on the page.

The Instagram Badge

Many designers are famous for their sophistication. However, as a marketer when you focus on website designing, you should focus on simplicity rather than sophistication. Your goal is to add colors to your website, but overdoing it with graphics can create a negative impact on audiences. You shouldn’t forget that every aspect of your marketing business has a crucial role. So, all you need to do is simply add your Instagram badge somewhere on your web design. This means that the users who are attracted by your website and interested to see more photos and videos will be directed to your account simply by clicking on the logo.

You will get comments on Instagram if your photos and videos are amazing.

Activate Instagram Widgets

There exist a wide variety of Instagram widgets that you can apply to your website. This will help you to display and store all Instagram photos and videos in one place. With these widgets, you can set your favorite layout and how many images you want to display.


One of the most amazing features developed by Instagram is the hashtag. You can search for anything and everything with hashtags. Many companies are using hashtags for their beneficial purpose such as gaining followers. If you use hashtags, it will differentiate you from your competitors. Try to integrate a hashtag feed to your website that shows the number of participants in a contest. It will not only promote you but also create excitement among your customers.

Clear Sales Focus

You can develop some website ideas that consist of a clear sales focus to boost your sales. This means when a user clicks on an Instagram picture, they will be directed to the link of that particular product. This will help them to easily purchase without wasting time finding the product link. According to entrepreneur.com, this way you can also boost the conversion rate.

Increasing Instagram Followers

One of the best perks of integrating Instagram into web design is the increase in Instagram followers. If you have an Instagram badge on your website, then the people, who will visit your website, will be encouraged to follow you on Instagram as well. People tend to follow a brand or company on social media to receive information about their latest products. If you integrate an Instagram account into your web design, people will likely visit and follow you on Instagram. Hence, you will notice the growth of your Instagram followers.


These are the 6 perks of integrating Instagram into web design. However, these are only a few benefits. Remember one important thing; you must grow your real Instagram followers first because only they will genuinely boost your brand or business.

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