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Make your PHP code

Make your PHP code easily editable

If you are developing a web application using PHP or any other coding language, some important regulations have to be followed. One rule related to deployment is that a clean and well formatted copy of the source code has to be handed over to the client. This helps him in editing the code for modifications if he has an in-house team for these tasks. A distorted code copy is quite hard to interpret and understand. It can only be understood by the programmer who has written it. Beautifying the code prior to submission is one of the recommended programming practices. Every professional programmer is required to follow them. A lot clients do not approach the software company after the deployment has been done. All the changes which follow are done by the in house team. For this purpose, having clearly written and formatted code is mandatory.

No need to rush for code formatting

The overall routine which a programmer goes through is not easy by any standards. He has to create application architectures, write code, remove bugs and perform several other tasks as well. Before the submission date, he has to get everything in line and deliver a functional application. However, the code cannot be submitted in its original form as there are formatting problems. The final copy of the PHP code has to be presentable in every way. In other words, a technical representative who has not worked on the code should be able to gather basic understanding. The use of a PHP beautifier is the best way to make code presentable prior to delivery.

  • Developers do not need to invest any input
  • How do developers save time when a beautifier is used to format the code? Let us perform a proper comparison between formatting the code manually and using an online beautifier. In case of manual formatting, developers have to check each line from the beginning to end of the code. If there are any extra spaces or alignment problems, they have to be adjusted. Large scaled applications comprise of thousands of code lines and checking each one of them is humanly impossible. Thus, programmers have to opt for an alternative which does not require so much effort. While using a beautifier, a developer does not have to use any of his time. The formatting is done on end to end basis through the tool. The only task which a programmer has to complete is uploading the code.

  • No functional blunders before the deadline
  • At times, PHP developers have a lot of tasks to complete before the deadline including code formatting. This situation can prove to be quite hazardous for them as the risk of functional mistakes increases. When the additional pressure of formatting the code is present on the mind of the developer, he can unintentionally delete important sections. As a result, the executable file of the application will fail.
    Due to lack of time, it would be quite hard for a programmer to reach the reason of failure. This problem can be prevented easily if a developer does not have to worry about beautifying the code. In a nutshell, PHP code beautifiers place incomparable benefits on the table for programmers.

Online free interface to make things easier

The biggest problem with most quality tools is that they are paid. In this way, users have to take a certain financial burden which is not possible for most people. PHP beautifiers do not fall in the same category as they are mostly free. The targeted users of this tool are mostly programmers. They use it to refine the shape of the code before the development process is concluded. Professional developers have to follow the best practices of programming. Submission of well written code is one of the integral requirements. After the deployment is done, a formatted version of the code has to be delivered to the client. Programmers cannot manage the additional work load of improving the code appearance. They have to concentrate mainly on technical deliverable. In addition to that, there is no point in spending hours on code formatting when a beautifier can deliver the same task in minutes.

  • The use of PHP beautifiers solves multiple problems for programmers. First of all, they do not have to view the code appearance during the phases of development. Once the coding steps have been completed, the formatting can be done instantly using a good beautifier.
  • As beautifiers are online tools, there is no need to go through any kind of setup stages. Developers usually work in an integrated environment and can only afford to install mandatory applications. These code formatting tools can be used without installing on the device memory.

No unintentional code deletions

An application will generate failure errors even if one colon has been deleted. This is because the execution process will be hampered. This is a strong reason why code formatting should not be done manually irrespective of how disorganized it is.

  • Let us go through an example to understand this scenario better. Consider that you have written the code of an e-commerce website in PHP. You have one day left to format the code and deliver it to the customer. The time frame is logically too short even if you are dealing with a medium sized application. In haste if a function is deleted, the application would be good for nothing. The execution will not be successful and each line will have to be checked minutely. This will result in the final submission getting delayed.
  • Using a quality PHP beautifier means getting a properly formatted code without investing any effort. Meeting timelines is very important when you are working on an application. With a formatting tool, the overall development process becomes easier to manage.

Summing it Up

Software developers should avoid unnecessary work load so that the actual tasks get completed on time. By using a beautifier, they can keep code formatting for the end. When the application has been deployed successfully, a beautifier can be used for the formatting tasks.