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Start a blog

How to start a blog?

Blogging may seem a common thing to do, but still very few people achieve success in it. It is not just about writing stuff but, also about how you narrate and present your ideas. At present thousands of people are getting success through blogging.

People jumble a lot of things while writing a blog and make it look more complicated but believe me it is not that tedious. you just have to follow the 7 marketing functions. To do blogging right, follow this guide.

Why start a blog

How to start a blog

1) Select a niche :

First decide why are you starting a blog?

To get connected with like-minded people? To share your creativity with the whole world? Also, To educate people about your special skills? To keep people updated about your brand?
It is important to keep your intentions clear from the start of your blog. As a blog helps you to inform, educate, promote and even sell products so, using it a proper way can make your blogging successful.

A niche is a topic that you write more often, or executive on your blog. Niche blogging allows you monetize as they usually contain affiliate links, advertisements, etc. and that’s how they mostly become profitable.

To pick up the niche, consider parameters like a sector that you are more drawn to. What you are passionate about or are more interested in can help you to select a domain. By displaying your own point of view able to differentiate your personal blog ideas from the competition.

2) Select a blogging platform :

There are two types of famous blogging platforms: free and self-hosted.

(i) Free platforms –

Many newbies find it appealing to start their blog using free platforms like Blogger, Tumblr, etc.
But by using these free platforms you allow these platforms to own your name. Also, you are bond with many rules and restrictions, where they limit or prohibit the ads on your blog. Additionally, you are expected to use their banners for the advertisements on your blog. Sooner or later, you will feel like running away from the free blog sites.

(ii) Self-hosted platforms (recommended) –

On self-hosted platforms, you can run your blog using your own domain. You are a complete owner of your blog and hence, can put only the content that you wish to. No one can force you to upload their piece of advertisements. This option is known as self-hosted because in this you get your own domain name and hosting space. UK WordPress hosting offers you free domain name with the hosting account. Although there are few free hosting options, but the best course of action is to create and own your blog, that cannot be interfered with anyone. It keeps you copyrighted material like articles, photos, videos, drawings, etc. safe. If you want to sell products or any kind of services then this type of blog is recommended.


3) Register a domain name :

A domain name is the one by which you will be recognized online, irrespective of the niche you choose. It is your unique address on the internet. As long as you continue to pay for the registered domain name, it belongs to you only. Users can directly type your domain name in the browser to visit your blog. people who are unaware of your domain name cane discover you through search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
You can have a domain name with an extension like .com or country-specific like .co.uk (for United Kingdom), .in (for India), etc.

4) Get a web hosting account :

After registering a domain name, the next step is to select a web hosting account. The performance and functionality of your blog depending on your hosting type and provider. Before getting a web hosting account, make sure that the provider offers 24/7365 days of technical support. Some of the hosting companies also provide domain registration services. It is recommended to host both domains and hosting account with one provided to avoid the hassle of managing the tasks.

The wrong web host can cause many problems to your blog by not providing what it exactly needs. Suppose if you are stuck with any technical problem and don’t know how to solve it, and your hosting provider is also not reachable, what will do? Cannot imagine this disaster, right? Thus, it is important to select a trusted web hosting company that always stands for your business (24/7), provides 99.9% uptime and high end hosting features.

5) Get started by selecting a theme :

After registering a hosting account, recommended is WordPress web hosting, select a theme for your blog. Place all the content in it and get started. Make sure you put regular updates on your blog. A blog shall be an engaging one and must be written to help readers. Don’t forget to proofread your article with TrustMyPaper, a great writing service. Also, tell people about your blog through different social media sites. Encourage them to participate and write for your blog.

6) Learn About SEO :

Before start writing you should have proper knowledge about SEO plugins like SEO, AIOSEO, Rank math. There are several SEO tools available at present. Also, You can use to genrtae  h1 tag by Sitechecker.

Netpeak Checker is a program for the SEO analysis of websites and pages. It allows you to check how your site stands out in the search results window and provides a technical audit. The tool also has a keyword ranking checker, which effectively impacts the further development strategy of the website and the business in general.

Netpeak Checker

The options Netpeak Checker provides its users are:

  • You have access to SEO tools for popular services;
  • List of proxies and services with anti-captcha to prevent bans;
  • Technical audit;
  • You can check the ranking on the search page.

This software is targeted at SEO specialists, as it contains basic optimization analysis tools. Due to the checker’s flexibility, you can apply useful strategies to optimize your website.

Conclusion: How to start a blog

Once the blog starts growing, that is when it starts getting enough visitors, you can think of monetizing from it by placing ad banners on the blog. In the starting phase, make sure you don’t use any vague promotional banners, that don’t even relate to your niche. Patience is highly required to grow a blog.