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Hire Remote Developers

How To Hire Remote Developers For Your Project

Congratulations, now you’re the proud founder of a startup. Now, it will be a unicorn or a bust, and it depends a lot on whether you hire remote developers.

This is especially true for developers in technology corporations as they are built on their source code. Yet, using a standard office with your smaller budget would most likely sink you as it is unlikely that you would find every single specialist that you need in your locality while maintaining a money sink through the on-site location.

So, the clear advantages of trying to hire remote developers are obvious.

This article will cover the means to hire remote developers, along with the qualities that you should look for in general.

Features To Look For In Trying To Hire Remote Developers

The features that companies look for vary from company to company. So, we can present just a general overview of the qualities that companies can try to look for in trying to hire remote developers.

Some of the features that companies should look for in trying to hire remote developers to include:

  • While trying to hire remote developers, companies and hiring people should look to ensure that the applicants that apply for the role can connect to perform their role. This can include a reliable internet connection, the ability to use messaging sites, and the right devices to do so.
  • While trying to hire remote developers, their specializations should also be considered. Often, there is a level of specialization required for the project, so they should also ensure that any employee hired that possesses the specializations should possess additional value to the company.
  • Proper communication skills are a must for employees and for any employers trying to hire remote developers. This is especially true for ESL employees.

The Steps To Hire Remote Developers

For any attempts to hire remote developers, regardless of a company, there are generally some common steps involved:

  • Post ads that the company is trying to hire remote developers. This can be through platforms, freelance markets, and social media.
  • After posting, the company that posted the ads to hire remote developers should expect the necessity of screening out potential employees, using means through CVs and work samples. This is where a lot of employees that possess the relevant skills are often overlooked because the people in HR involved do not possess the technical skills to judge them.
  • The final step before giving an offer letter when trying to hire remote developers involves testing the employees. The steps can involve:
    • Programming tests
    • Technical interviews
    • Social skill interviews
    • Pair programming skills
  • If an employee meets the requirements of the company that is trying to hire remote developers, they are given an offer letter. The offer letter should be legally sound and should include relevant payment details including tax deductions.
  • After an employee agrees to the contract, there is an onboarding process. While it may seem like aftermath to the entire process, it may be the most crucial as it ensures that employees can hit the ground running. So, if your company seeks to hire remote developers, this is crucial.

What Platforms You Should Look For Into Hire Remote Developers:



An up-and-comer in the freelancer platform world, they boast a 100% remote workforce and an effective vetting process.

Outside of that, once selected, the companies looking to hire remote developers would receive assistance for interviews, resume building, and other soft skills.

So for any prospective companies to hire remote developers, this is a site to visit to get proper employees.


For many, it is the platform to gain employment. Not only does it cover most companies that possess a digital presence, but outside of just trying to hire remote developers, it also possesses news reports, employee postings, polls, and courses through LinkedIn learning that possess credentials for easy judging.

However, there is no significant moderation for job posts, leading to infrequently poorly written if not outright misleading posts but it is unlikely that any prospective applicant for freelance jobs doesn’t have a digital footprint here.


A British-based company, that acts globally as a platform for freelance jobs, albeit focusing on the European continent, including the UK. It boasts job postings in 9 categories. They are:

  • Technology & Programming
  • Writing & Translation
  • Design
  • Digital Marketing
  • Video, Photo & Image
  • Business
  • Music & Audio
  • Marketing, Branding & Sales
  • Social Media.

The application process for freelancers involves going through an approval process monitored by moderators. If approved, freelancers can filter and select the opportunities that they want to apply for or rely on automatic matching based on their skills.

The jobs posted may be based in terms of hours or projects and freelancers have the option of collaboration with other freelancers for many posted freelance jobs.

For any of the posted freelance jobs, the commission can range from 20% to 3.5%, inversely proportional to their earnings.

So for freelancers looking for freelancing jobs in those specific job locations, this website would suit them best.


This website boasts a wide and extensive range of fields for freelancers to find the right freelance jobs for their preferred specialization.

Not only is it divided in the manner above, but further specialized depending on their area of expertise. For instance, the category of programming is further divided along with Python, Java, CSS, etc. It boasts job postings in 9 categories. They are:

  • Programming & Development
  • Writing & Translation
  • Design & Art
  • Legal
  • Engineering & Architecture
  • Business & Finance
  • Administrative & Secretarial
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Education & Training.

The platform can boast one of the lowest commission fees, at an upper-tier being ~9% for free members, while lesser than for paid members.

However, there is a paid-for-paid member as their bids are highlighted to prospective clients and their on-site rankings are boosted in comparison to free users.

So, for freelancers who want to work in specific freelance jobs and are willing to pay to get ahead, this platform suits them.


Flexjobs boasts a unique curation of job postings, helped by the fact that they can claim that every job posted on the platform undergoes manual screening, thereby ensuring that there is no spam or scam on the platform.

However, if applicants apply for freelance jobs, they have to pass through third-party websites. However, while they boast higher quality, it also possesses higher prices.

At the very minimum, the fees are $14.95/month. It boasts job postings in 5 categories. They are:

  • Project Management
  • Marketing
  • Computer & IT
  • Administrative
  • Medical & Health

Outside of the better quality of job postings and the lesser competition, they also offer career coaching. So it is suited for those experienced and high-earning freelancers looking for freelance jobs with enough salary to meet their skill level, and being willing to pay extra for it.


Now that you have the relevant information, it is still advisable to tarry on one particular matter. Your company, whatever needs it may have, regardless of whether it’s trying to reach for the stars or just carry on, must stay firmly grounded in reality.

The current reality is that it is far too impractical to work without some amount of remote developers. They possess the range of skills that you are unlikely to find anywhere in one location.

They are cheaper, tend to be more skilled, and overall when going to crowded locations is inadvisable, new hires tend to expect working remotely, especially for roles like development. Hiring remote developers is not only an attractive choice but quite often, the most sensible choice.

So, use the platforms to get the best option that you can, but never be hesitant to use the other features they provide too. While you’re at it, a word of advice with those that are more experienced than you would do you a world of good.

Quite fortunately, they can be found here too. In the end, employees can make a company sink or swim, so it’s best that you have a lifeboat on these platforms.