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Impact Of Coronavirus On The Technology Sector

Hani Zeini’s Viewpoints On The Impact Of Coronavirus On The Technology Sector

In this article, I am going to share the impact of coronavirus on the technology sector. So keep reading.

The COVID-19 pandemic has already cast its shadow on almost every industry, except for a few, such as the technology sector. This deadly virus change had a significant impact, especially on the technology sector. Fortunately, it plays an imperative role in keeping our society functional during quarantines and lockdowns, says Hani Zeini.

Role Of Technology During The Pandemic According To Hani Zeini

Contactless And Digital Payments

During this pandemic, you will come across maximum people avoiding using cash for payments only except if it is urgent to avoid contact. People fear that cash may carry the virus. This has led to the growing use of contactless digital payments such as e-wallets, Paytm, Google Pay, Phone Pay, and others to prevent the spread of the virus. Digital payments help people make online payments and purchases of services and goods and utility payments to get stimulus funds faster.


Telehealth has changed the way patients receive treatment. Its demand has gone up during the COVID-19 outbreak to maintain social distancing and stop the spread of the virus. Telehealth protects both the health professional and the patient from contracting the infection. This software helps patients to communicate with a virtual physician through video call, audio, or chat and discuss their symptoms rather than having visited the hospital physically. Patients with mild corona symptoms can get care and counsel remotely through dedicated virtual health experts.

Drones And Robots

The COVID-19 outbreak has changed our lives for sure, yet not every change has been unwelcoming with regards to technology. Drones and robots are the safest and most expedient means of grappling with the pandemic and limiting the contamination and spreading of the virus. Robots, along with communicating with people who are quarantined, can also, at the same time, help in acquiring patient information as well as help physicians treat patients. As robots and drones are immune to this infection, they are widely used to deliver medical supplies within the healthcare environments and essential items to those who are quarantined.

Distance Learning

Be it online learning software, video conferencing tools, virtual tutoring, or language apps, there has been a mushrooming rise in technology use since the COVID-19 outbreak. Schools, universities, and colleges have been shut down to prevent the virus from spreading, thereby paving the way for online classrooms. Hani Zeini finds it highly commendable how easily educational institutions all over have shifted to virtual classrooms. The credit goes to tools like Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts, and Zoom that have made things simpler.

Remote Work

More than 90% of organizations across the world have asked their employees to work from home. Remote working has been made possible through VoIP, VPNs, work collaboration tools, cloud technology, virtual meetings, and facial recognition technologies, which allow an individual to appear before virtual backgrounds for preserving their home’s privacy. Along with preventing the spread of the virus, remote working also at the same time offers more flexibility and saves commute time.

In short, technology during the on-going pandemic is playing a pivotal role in keeping our society functional during lockdowns and quarantines.

So that’s all from this article, I hope you like this article about the impact of coronavirus on the technology sector.

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