Nowadays, it is no longer enough to have a website. It is also imperative to build your social media presence. For one, no one will buy your products if people do not know that your business exists. And what is a great way to let your target market know about your business than social media? That said, we have listed down eight superb ways to Promote Your New Website via social media:
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Ways to Promote Your New Website on Social Media
1. Add Your Website on Your Profile
Of course, one of the easiest ways to Promote Your New Website through social media is by adding them to your profile details. That’s because your About section is one of the first things that your followers will see.
It is important that your About section is written professionally. Include all the information which you think will best describe your website and your competence in the field. You can ask writing services to create a good custom profile for you, if you feel like you need assistance with writing such content.
Hence, ensure to fill in the website field together with your other contact details. Doing so allows you to drive referral traffic to your website. Moreover, it lets your social media followers visit your website with ease.
2. Promote Your Content
Adding your website to your About section is not enough. It would help if you gave your social media followers the reason to visit your website. One way to do that is by promoting your content. But we do not suggest that you post your content willy-nilly.
At VoyMedia Marketing Agency NYC, we use a social media calendar. Doing so helps us achieve the following on your social networks:
- Ensure that you have something to post in the coming days
- Ensure that you are sharing industry-adjacent content
- Ensure that you have ample space to promote your business
- Ensure that you are consistent with your posting schedule
3. Know When to Post
As mentioned earlier, your social media calendar allows you to be consistent with your social media schedule. But, timing also matters when it comes to social media marketing.
If you have been on social media for a while, you can use your channel’s built-in analytics to know when your audience is most active. And then build your social media calendar around it.
But if you are new to social media marketing, some websites share the best time to post. The only caveat is that these are theoretical at best.
Hence, we suggest that you experiment to know the best time and day to post on social media.
4. Optimize Your CTA
Say, you have been diligent with following your social media calendar. Yet, you are not driving website traffic and generating engagements. It can be because you lack CTA.
Luckily, there are social media channels nowadays that allow you to set up a call-to-action. You can then use this feature to prompt your audience to visit your website.
But other than your website, you can also place CTAs on your social media posts. It is just a matter of using compelling phrases like “Visit our website” or “Read more.”
5. Don’t Hesitate to be Blunt
Let’s face it; we use social media to Promote Your New Website and products. Hence, it is okay to be blunt about it every now and then.
How often should you promote your business? This will depend on the formula that you follow.
If you are using the 5-3-2 formula, that would mean promoting your product twice. You can also opt to promote your product once and use the other to post something personal.
This prevents you from sounding like a sales automated robot. It also adds personality to your social media marketing campaign.
Another social media posting formula that you can follow is the 6-3-1 formula:
- Six posts about other people’s content
- Three posts to promote your content
- One post to generate sales
6. Run Social Media Ads
Here’s the thing: Only ten percent of your Facebook followers can see your post. This means that if you have 1,000 followers, only 100 people can see your content. This is Facebook’s way of ensuring that its users can view posts that matter to them. For example, posts from their family and friends. Hence, you can run social media ads to expand your business’ audience reach.
It can be as simple as boosting your top-performing post, which is meant to drive website traffic. That way, you can increase the number of people who can see your post. This can lead to more website click-through.
Social media allows you to connect and engage with your audience on a personal level. But, what is the use of social media marketing if you cannot ROI from it?
While “conversion” can mean different from one brand to another, you must be clear about it. That way, you can develop a plan on how you can best use it for your business’ advantage.
Moreover, a social media plan allows you to measure whether your campaign is a success.
Do you know other ways we can Promote Your New Website through social media? We want to read your thoughts on the comment section below.