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Techniques To Ensure Every Post Performs Optimally

How To Ensure That Every Single Blog Post You Write Performs Optimally

Want to make sure every blog post you write gets maximum exposure? Follow these strategies and techniques to ensure every post performs optimally.

When creating a blog and building up an audience, consistency is key. If you want to develop better relationships with your customers they should be able to trust that your blog posts will have a certain uniformity of style and quality. And that they will be posted on time. When it comes to SEO, your blog posts have to tick even more boxes on top of that.

Creating a checklist that you then go through for each of your blog posts is the best way to ensure that they all perform optimally. Read on to find out the kind of steps you should include for your blog posts today…

Techniques To Ensure Every Post Performs Optimally:

Conduct Research

This first step is arguably the most important for the success of your blog. You need to carefully research your target audience and the topic of your blog to decide what sort of questions they may want answering or what information they require.

You will also need to research the relevant keywords. The right topic and keywords will straight away set you in good stead for both customer response and SEO.

Plan out your post before you start

Break your trending topic down into headings and subheadings, making clear the point or points that you want to make in each section. The title you choose is important and should include the top keyword or words that reflect your target audience’s user intent if possible.

Consider your structure carefully from a table of contents to headings, lists, bullet points and images with plenty of white space to enhance readability.

Write your post

Now you know what you are writing about, the keywords and the structure, it is time to actually write your blog post. Remember to keep it to the point using clear and concise language. You should keep paragraphs to 3 sentences and your sentences to around 25 words. This again will keep your blog post readable and also help it to perform well.

You will want to cover the topic in as much depth as you need to get your point across, including relevant statistics and data to back up said point. Quality is key, so take the time and make sure your blog is as well-written as can be.

Add your links

You need to ensure that your internal links all work well and go where they need to. A proper internal linking structure that connects your blogs and leads readers to the appropriate products or services is an essentiality.

If you are struggling with fleshing out your internal linking structure (among the many other technical optimizations necessary for a successful website), your chosen New York City SEO agency can accommodate your needs.

Add your images

Consider the most relevant and useful images only, and make sure that you format them correctly so they aren’t too large and don’t slow down your page speed. Any image file names and text should be optimized accordingly as well, with the appropriate image alt text.

Add a CTA

Your call-to-action, or CTA, is essential to making certain that your blog is working for you. You need a clear action that you want your readers to take, whether it is to sign up to your mailing list, generate leads or make a purchase. Having a button or link that people should click on helps optimize your blog for your users and for search engine algorithms.

Check over the word count, Meta descriptions, and proofread thoroughly

Just because you’ve completed your blog post, it doesn’t mean that your work is done. Thorough checking and proofreading is essential for the success of your blog. If you are consistently publishing articles littered with errors, you will put your readers off.

Additionally, optimize your Meta description and make it as appealing as possible. You want to hint at what can be found in the article within and then deliver the goods.


If managing an awesome blog were easy, everyone would be doing it. There surely is an art and a science to not only producing quality content, but optimizing it in such a way that attracts as much relevant traffic as possible – and keeps them coming back for more.

Stick to the above tips and you’ll be well on your way to managing a successful blog!