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Best Time To Post On Social Media

The Best Time To Post On Social Media In 2024

In this article, we will discuss the best time to post on social media. So keep reading.

Knowing what content to post on your social media handle is only 50% of your struggle on such platforms. There is another thing you need to struggle with – when is the best time to have that content shared with your audience? You are sure of getting the highest engagements when your content is posted when your target audience is most active on these social media platforms.

So when is the best time to do these posting? Some people do not realize that the different social media platforms do have different active periods. For instance, a time that works for Facebook may not necessarily work for Twitter. You need to learn the different activity periods, and that is what this post will be exposing you to.

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Also, you can check 6 Superb Ways to Promote Your New Website on Social Media.

When Is It Best To Have Your Content Posted On Social Media?

Understanding the time zones is critical to your success here. If you’ve got a popular brand, then you need to consider more time zones. Some brands and influencers publish their content at different times just so they can reach out to as many customers or audiences as possible.

It is ideal for you to want to reach out to people who are in different time zones. But, at the same time, you need to be modest as you do it. You can decide to send a particular message on four different occasions in one day to enable you to reach out to many countries.

For instance, what are the locations of your customers? If they are situated in Canada and America, then you want to target the EST time zone. But if they reside in London, GMT is what you should be working with.

You can ascertain the locations of your customers with the help of social media analytics tools. That way, you will not be shooting blanks, and assuming that your content is getting the attention you seek. It makes your work a lot easier and more efficient.

Time For Posting On Instagram

Best Time To Post On Social Media: Instagram

From the stats gathered from those people who sold stuff on Instagram before the coronavirus struck, it was recorded that they had the highest number of engagements during the hours just before the Wednesday lunchtime, which was by 11 a.m., as well as between 10 and 11 am on Fridays. It was also discovered that the most miserable day for posters on Instagram was Sunday.

Although that was the case then, the emergence of the pandemic appears to have changed a lot of things. There seems to be more active on the social media platforms since more people were now working from their homes. Consequently, it led to different best posting times on the platform. So the time-shifted to 11 a.m Monday, Tuesdays, and Fridays. The reason behind the time preference is what researchers are still trying to wrap their heads around.Here is a detailed guide on the best time to post on Instagram you can refer to.

Time For Posting On Facebook?

Best Time To Post On Social Media: Facebook

The same thing was applicable to Facebook. There appear to be slight changes between the pre-COVID era and now. The best time for posting anything on Facebook was mid-week. From 11 a.m., and from 1 through 2 pm. Wednesdays were noticed to have the highest amount of engagements.

Between Tuesdays and Thursdays, your content will be shared with the bulk of your customers or audience. Sunday is the worst time ever to do any posting on Facebook.

But as the membership on Facebook swelled up within the COVID, a Facebook activity also increased correspondingly. It meant you can post more content now, and it will be seen by more people. The most active periods automatically shifted to Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 10 and 11 a.m.

However, if you post anything after 5 pm on weekdays and during the weekends, you are not going to get as much traction as you wanted.

Time For Posting On LinkedIn


LinkedIn is not Facebook or Instagram. It is a professional networking platform that is mostly leveraged by salespeople and recruiters for work purposes. Before the coronavirus, the best time for posting anything on LinkedIn was during the workdays within the morning office hours. Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays were just great for posting on this platform. You are not going to get much done during the weekends.

For LinkedIn, there have not been so many changes during this pandemic period. The engagements are still highest in the morning working hours during the days that were mentioned above. After work and weekends are the worst periods to post anything on LinkedIn.

Time For Posting On Twitter


People who are on Twitter like to get a roundup of the most recent tweets and latest news during the morning hours. That is why Wednesdays and Fridays have been deemed as the most active days for dropping your tweets. 9 am is the best time for carrying out those posting.

Users on Twitter have not changed that much during the coronavirus period. The most active periods have remained Wednesdays and Fridays. Though there has been a small change in Fridays because the highest engagements have been recorded between 7 and 9 am. The engagements on weekends are the lowest.

So if you are going to post anything on Twitter, you should have this information at the back of your mind. Post your content outside these times, and you will not get maximum engagement.

Time For Posting On TikTok


TikTok has suddenly grown traction in recent times. You need to know the best posting times so you don’t end up wasting your time and resources.

Over ninety percent of TikTok accounts do access the platform every day. TikTok is a bit different from other platforms in this regard because you can almost post your content anytime, and still get a good amount of engagement.

But for the sake of maximum engagements, it is best you post during the morning hours, as well as the post-working hours. Between 6 and 10 am in the morning, and between 7 and 11 pm in the evening will work perfectly. Both adults and kids are flocking their way to this content platform.

So that’s all from our side I hope you enjoyed this article of the best time to post on social media. Also, if you like this post then please share it with your all friends and social media followers.