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SaaS Landing Page Design

4 SaaS Landing Page Design Ideas

When it comes to SaaS landing pages, you need to understand that the design of the page is as equally important as the content on the page. SaaS landing pages are there to persuade visitors to take a specific action – it can be anything from visiting another page, purchasing a specific item/service, or even subscribing to something. For this reason, your landing page design needs to be flawless. If you are interested to get some new SaaS landing page design ideas when it comes to this, make sure to read our guide!

Why is Design Important?

The SaaS landing page design is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it is the first thing that the visitors see. If it’s not aesthetically pleasing, the visitors might not be interested in checking out the content of the website. This shouldn’t be happening, especially when there are some free HTML designs to be found on the internet.

your SaaS landing page

SaaS landing pages without a good design simply show that the people who are operating them don’t care as much as they should. It is relatively easy to combine a good design with high-quality content. All you need to do is put in a bit of effort and realize that the potential customers and visitors are the most important. Once you get that out of the way, you can focus on which design to use for your SaaS landing page.

Things to Keep in Mind For SaaS Landing Page Design Ideas

Your SaaS landing page design should incorporate something that will help you grow your referral marketing. For instance, make sure that the referral buttons are always visible and accessible by the site visitors and that they won’t have any trouble noticing them. However, keep in mind that you shouldn’t force it upon the visitors to click anywhere – it might create the opposite effect.

SaaS Landing Page Design Ideas

Another thing you should keep in mind is using a professional landing page template. Such templates are there for a reason. They will allow you to use an already-completed design and simply add all the information you need. Of course, you can create your own templates and designs, but it might be a good idea to check out some of these before you do that.

Two Amazing Design Ideas You Will Definitely Adore

Finally, it is time to learn which SaaS landing page designs might be the perfect choice for you. We have some recommendations and it is up to you to choose the best one among them:

  1. Find a design with a lot of white space. When you open a browser on your computer, it usually has a white theme. It is there for a reason – the users can see colors better (especially the yellow color palette that contrasts the white surface perfectly). If your SaaS landing page has a lot of white colors, then the CTA (Call to Action) buttons will be more visible and you will be able to concisely present your ideas.
  2. A design with clearly-visible CTA buttons. Your goal here is to get the visitors to perform a specific action. It is usually referred to as a call-to-action button, and you should ensure that people can see it. Your Saas landing page with CTA should resemble something like an Instagram Grid – square shape, square logos, et cetera. People tend to notice those more.

There are more design ideas, but these two are our personal favorites, and we highly recommend that you check them out!

Two More SaaS Landing Page Design Ideas You Will Simply Love

If you play with the color palette and the CAT buttons, you can accomplish your goals easier. However, what if it is possible to do something else as well? For instance:

  1. Introduce a strong offer at the top of the page. Usually, the visitors read the top part of the page first. If you introduce a strong offer there, then the visitors will definitely see it. This is the maximum you can do – the rest is left in the hands of the visitors. Or is it? If you ensure that you have a really strong message that will connect the top of the page (the offer) with the content, then you will definitely achieve much better results. Give it a shot.
  2. Introduce an incredible logo/brand logo. With a good logo, you don’t need much marketing. People should be able to recognize it and they will instantly know what the offer is in most cases. Your goal could be to create or design a brand logo that will help you out with the promotion of your goods/services. Your SaaS landing page will help you out with that as well.

There are plenty of good ideas when it comes to the design of the webpage. However, you will still need to pay attention to one really important detail.

Don’t Overdo It!

Remember not to overdo it! You can ruin a perfectly-good Saas landing page design by introducing a lot of CAT buttons, having multiple color palettes (keep it simple!), or even designing a logo that is hard to read. Moderation is the key to everything, especially when it comes to marketing and design. Keep this in mind and you should be good.

perfectly-good Saas landing page design

The last thing you will need to take into account is the marketing of the SaaS page itself. Who is your target audience, how will they get to your page in the first place, what will they do once they arrive there, and many more? Keep these simple things on your mind at all times or simply use a “refer a friend” program that will help you out.


Overall, making a perfect SaaS landing page should seem a lot easier once you know some of the basic information about it. Remember to keep everything simple, and readable, and do not push the visitors to take any actions – it is their choice and they should be the ones deciding whether or not to do it. Good luck with this one and we hope that you’ll make some of the best SaaS landing pages after reading our guide!