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Free Pagination WordPress Plugins

14 Best Free Pagination WordPress Plugins

Pagination by BestWebSoft

Pagination by BestWebSoft

Simple plugin which automatically adds custom pagination to your WordPress website blog, search results, archive, category, tags, and author pages. Choose pagination type, position, and customize its appearance.


Storefront Product

Storefront Product

A simple plugin that displays next and previous links on single product pages. A product thumbnail is displayed with the title revealed on hover.


Shortcode Pagination for WooCommerce

Shortcode Pagination for WooCommerce

WooCommerce shortcodes do not have pagination by default. This is a simple plugin that adds it.


Pagination For Posts

Pagination For Posts

Pagination For Posts – Perfect solution to split a long post content into multiple pages. Allows you to put text and image in pagination buttons. 5 awesome button layouts.


SX No Homepage Pagination

SX No Homepage Pagination

SX No Homepage Pagination removes properly any homepage pagination (whatever plugin or function you are using) and redirects useless paginated content.


Pagination Styler for WooCommerce

Pagination Styler for WooCommerce

With Pagination Styler for WooCommerce, You can customize pagination as You want without code.


Pagination by HocWP Team

Pagination by HocWP Team

Pagination by HocWP Team is a pagination plugin that allows to set up navigation on WordPress site.


Ajax Pagination and Infinite Scroll

Ajax Pagination and Infinite Scroll

Load paged content with Ajax throughout your WordPress site. The plugin works on posts, pages, search, custom post types, and WooCommerce.


SX No author Pagination

SX No author Pagination

With SX No author Pagination, you can easily remove properly any author pagination. It also redirects useless paginated content on author pages.


Widget Pagination

Widget Pagination

You can choose the (standard WordPress) widget, which is to be paginated, and set the items to show per widget page individually.


Date Pagination

Date Pagination

This plugin provides an easy way to paginate posts by year, month or day in your theme’s template files.


Mediavine Pagination

Mediavine Pagination

Create beautiful, multi-page posts and pages easily with Mediavine Easy Pagination.


Wp List Category Posts With Pagination

Wp List Category Posts With Pagination

Wp List Category Posts With Pagination allows you to list posts from a category into a post or page with pagination using the [es-catlist] shortcode.


Slide Posts with Ajax Pagination

Slide Posts with Ajax Pagination

With this plugin, one can easily convert a WordPress posts category into a slideshow of images or just slide through the pages of a category without reloading the pages.