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Real Estate Investor Websites Templates

What Should I Look For in Real Estate Investor Website Templates?

Real Estate Investor Websites Templates make it easy to search for properties by location, conduct property research, and even provide a way to network with other investors. If you’re thinking of launching this type of site, you want to spend some time comparing the merits of different kinds of real estate investor website templates. What must a template provide in order to capture your attention? Here are some of the qualities to keep in mind.

The Ability to Filter Search Results

You definitely want visitors to have the ability to filter search results with relative ease. Ensure that the template will allow them to filter using at least three options. For example, a visitor may want to only look at commercial properties that are developed and happen to be located in a certain zip codes. If that can be done quickly, the visitor is more likely to spend more time on the site. That translates into a greater opportunity to make a connection and hopefully a sale.

Allowing Video as Well as Static Images

Video tours of properties are a great way to gain and hold the interest of investors who visit the site. You do want space to include plenty of static images, but make sure the design will also allow you to conduct a virtual walk-through. That’s always a great idea, but it has taken on more meaning during the pandemic. Investors can literally tour the property before making any contact with you.

Pages That Load Quickly

We live in an age when people want what they want, and they want it now. That’s as true with viewing web pages as anything else.

While there’s nothing you can do about the speed of the investor’s Internet connection, you can ensure the pages are designed so that all the elements load without taking a lot of time. You will still need to consider the size of images and other elements that you load onto the template, but if the design itself needs few resources to load, you’re ahead of the game.

Remember that Real Estate Investor Websites Templates that load quickly reduce the risk of an investor tiring of waiting and moving on to a competitor’s site. Think of it as one way to make the experience better for them and to enhance the overall experience.

A Contact Page That You Can Set Up Easily

At all times, you want to make it easy for the investor to contact you. That means ensuring every page has an icon that will take the investor to your contact page. It should not take up too much space, but the placement must allow the investor to find it without having to look around a lot.

The contact page itself needs to be relatively simple. Make sure the fields display easily and navigation from one to the next is simple. You also want to ensure that the template will allow the investor to know that the information has been properly submitted. From there, it’s up to you to get back in touch in a timely manner.

Never underestimate the value of a high-quality template. Doing so will enhance the odds of connecting with potential investors and help build your reputation as a firm that is worth contacting.

You can find a complete list of 30+ Best Real Estate WordPress Themes here.