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Free WordPress Search Plugins

8 Best Free WordPress Search Plugins to Improve Your Site Search 2024

To make your website search better, are you trying to find the finest free WordPress search plugins?

A significant portion of the information on your website is ignored by WordPress’s very limited default search function. Fortunately, there are many WordPress plugins available to help enhance the functionality of the default search.

We will highlight the top WordPress search plugins to enhance your website’s search engine ranking.

Why you should use Free WordPress Search Plugins?

The built-in search function in WordPress can make it simple for users to find what they’re looking for.

The good news is that you can enhance WordPress’s default search function with a number of search plugins. While some of these plugins are designed to search WooCommerce products specifically, others enhance the search function throughout your WordPress blog or website.

List of Best Free WordPress Search Plugins

1. FiboSearch
2. Ivory Search
3. Relevanssi
4. Ajax Search Lite
5. Advanced Woo Search
6. ACF
7. YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search
8. SearchIQ

Let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress Search Plugins handpicked by our experts.

1. FiboSearch – Ajax Search for WooCommerce

FiboSearch – Ajax Search for WooCommerce

The most widely used plugin for WooCommerce product searches. It provides a powerful AJAX search bar with real-time search suggestions that are great for your users.

WooCommerce comes with a very basic search solution by default without live product search or even SKU search. However, FiboSearch offers powerful search with real-time recommendation generation, formerly known as Ajax Search for WooCommerce.

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2. Ivory Search – WordPress Search Plugin

Ivory Search – WordPress Search Plugin

Ivory Search is a powerful yet user-friendly WordPress search plugin. It lets you make new custom search forms and improves WordPress’s built-in search. You may personalize WordPress search and run various kinds of searches for on-site content by creating an infinite number of search forms with Ivory Search and setting each one up separately.

Moreover, this plugin converts any search form including the default search form to an AJAX search form. Also, the plugin uses an inverted index-based search engine to find results more quickly.

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3. Relevanssi

Relevanssi is a better search engine with many features and customizable options that replace the built-in WordPress search. Your users will appreciate that you’ve improved the results and their presentation.

Using Relevanssi could be problematic if the space available for database tables in your hosting arrangement is limited. It is not recommended to use Relevanssi in those situations.

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4. Ajax Search Lite

Ajax Search Lite

WordPress users can use Ajax Search Lite as a live search plugin. This user-friendly Ajax-powered search form with a live search bar comes with a responsive live search engine that will improve your overall user experience.

The category and post-type filter boxes are additional tools for refining the results. Included are keyword recommendations and Google autocomplete. Also, the Ajax Search Lite plugin comes with extremely smooth animations that fit mobile devices.

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5. Advanced Woo Search

Advanced Woo Search

The Advanced Woo Search Plugin comes with extensive features. You can also search in the product contentexcerpt, titlecategoriestagsID, and SKU. Moreover, you can place the search box anywhere on your website by using the shortcode and widget.

You can use the stop words feature to exclude some words from the search, this will help user to get only relevant results to their search. Also, the search results are ordered by the priority of the source where they were found with the help of smart ordering features.

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6. ACF: Better Search

The ACF plugin adds the ability to search by content from selected fields to the default WordPress search engine. Moreover, you just have to install and activate the plugin and it will complete its work automatically, no additional codes are required.

The plugin was recently updated which made the plugin’s searching speed 75% faster. If you are facing any problems in using the plugin then you can contact the plugin’s technical team, they will surely respond to you.

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7. YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search

You can quickly set up a modern and fully functional search from your website with the help of the YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search plugin. Moreover, the new version of the plugin is easy to use and flexible, so it is best for beginners.

You can easily integrate the search form anywhere on your website by using a built-in block or shortcode. You can try installing it from the link below, it’s a good option for WooCommerce websites.

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8. SearchIQ

Another WordPress search plugin that improves on the poor default choice is called SearchIQ. The analytical capabilities of this plugin are among its better qualities. You can improve your WordPress website’s search experience with SearchIQ by providing quick and precise search results as you enter.

Using real-time analytics, you can provide content that matches your visitors’ searches to find out what they’re looking for. If you choose to activate the feature, SearchIQ also offers thumbnails in search results.

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Benefits of Search System

There are numerous advantages that search systems provide for any website. No matter how user-friendly your website is, some users will always be unable to locate what they’re looking for. It is simple for anyone to find certain information thanks to search bars. Take a look at how well-known Google is.

Let’s take an example where you have a website where you sell video games. There are hundreds of games in each of the various categories into which video games can be divided. It is bad design to force a visitor to search for what they want manually.

You will not only know what visitors are looking for, but you will also be able to assist them in finding it. Search logs provide you access to the phrases and pages that users are looking for. You can use this information to provide content or recommend goods that are most appropriate for those queries.

Qualities Of An Effective Search Function

Thus far, we have established that having high searchability has several advantages and that WordPress’s default search mechanism is bad. We still need to talk about the specific features that make some WordPress search plugins so desirable.

Phrase Searching: The majority of website visitors won’t input a product or blog’s precise name. Rather, they will correct a little portion of it and leave the rest to the search system. For your system to produce the greatest results, phrase searching must be able to be used.

Speed: No one likes a slow website. Not visitors, and not search engines in particular. If there are few searches for your website, it is not good. Therefore, a quick search system plugin needs to be efficient.

Outcomes: The outcomes must be readable and display pertinent data. When consumers are looking for things, for instance, the product’s picture, description, and rating ought to be displayed.


Does a search function exist in WordPress?
A built-in search function is present in most WordPress themes. On the other hand, the default search usually yields inaccurate results.

What is Ajax search in WordPress?
Ajax search in WordPress is a live search plugin for WordPress. This user-friendly Ajax-powered search form with a live search bar is powered by a responsive live search engine that will improve your overall user experience.


You’ll require a strong search engine when your WordPress website expands to assist users in finding the appropriate articles or merchandise. The aforementioned WordPress search plugins are fully capable of managing your WordPress site’s search features, ensuring user satisfaction, and encouraging visitors to return to your website with additional inquiries.

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