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Top In-Demand Programming Languages That Are Used To Create Successful Mobile Apps

Gone are days when possession of mobile was restrained to an elite class. Today, the scenario has drastically changed with technological evolutions made over the last decade. Today, from a teenage student to a senior citizen, everyone uses a smartphone for diverse purposes. The ownership of mobile phones has led to an increase in demand for productive and exceptional mobile apps.

With hundreds of apps launched in the App Store and Google Store every day, it is crucial to outshine in the marketplace. To make it possible, a reliable mobile application development company California along with Assignment Core employs top-notch mobile app developers who have knowledge and expertise to use diverse mobile app technologies for developing promising apps.

Many mobile app technologies are available in the market but, choosing the best can give you the best results in the future. Let’s take a quick walkthrough of the top mobile app technologies that you can use to build robust mobile applications.

  1. Java – Manage Workloads More Easily with the Latest Technology

Java is a renowned language for Android app development. It is easy to use and compiles when compared to other programming languages. One of the most significant benefits of Java is its ability to run the same program on many different systems. Thus, it becomes platform-independent at both source and binary levels. As Java possesses various features like robustness, security, and cross-platform capabilities, it has become a language of choice for many developers.

  • Open source programming language
  • Support from a vast community
  • Object-Oriented Language that offers greater flexibility
  • Update its features every year so can compete with the latest languages
  1. Kotlin – Supported by Google for Mobile Development On Android

Undoubtedly, Java was considered a default programming language for Android app development before Kotlin came into existence. One of the best features of Kotlin is that it is 100% interoperable with Java which means you can call Java code from Kotlin and vice-versa seamlessly. Another main benefit of using Kotlin over Java is that it is a statistically-typed language, thus, Kotlin allows developers to write simpler code that streamlines the programming process and becomes easy to debug.

  • Used for multi-platform development
  • Eliminates null exception references
  • More reliable and safe than other languages used for building Android apps
  • Compromises of a vast and powerful community
  1. Swift – Elevates your iOS App Development Experience

Swift is a smart programing language developed by Apple Inc. for iOS. It is designed to work for Apple’s Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks. For a long time, Objective C was being used to build iOS applications. Now, every top-notch iOS development company in San Jose is using Swift as it is fast, advanced, safe, and enables a higher level of interactivity in the development process. Ever since the initial reveal, Swift offers clean syntax that makes it a lot smarter than the other programming languages.

  • Easy to write and easier to maintain
  • Offers interoperability with Objective C
  • Easily scalable and highly flexible
  • Delivers high security and improved performance
  1. React Native – Cross-Platform Framework that builds Attractive User Interfaces

React Native is launched by Facebook that allows you to create native-type applications using the JavaScript programming language. There is no doubt as React Native is a cross-platform framework that saves both time and resources. React Native allows you to use one code for both iOS and Android applications. The big reason to hire a react native app developer is that you can work seamlessly under tight budget constraints. Moreover, it allows you to handle complex queries using simple codes.

  • Offers Optimal performance
  • Modular architecture
  • Robust libraries and third-party plugin support
  • Cost-effective and Simpler-to-use
  1. Dart – Robust Support Base that Comes With Diverse Libraries and Tools

Dart is a stable and object-oriented programming language that is used for cross-platform app development. From simple code snippets to fully-functional applications, Dart has a solution for everything. The programming languages are popular among developers for building web apps, mobile apps, server-side scripting, and command-line scripting. The main objective of using Dart as a programming language in your app is to simplify the development process and accelerate time-to-market.

  • Builds production quality real-time applications
  • Supports optimal typing features
  • Also, executes in AOT (ahead-of-time) mode
  1. Flutter – Enables Smooth and Easy Cross-Platform Development

Google’s mobile app SDK, Flutter, comes with a framework, widgets, and tools that allow developers to develop and deploy visually appealing and fast mobile apps for both iOS and Android. It is an open-source framework that is drawn with its highly-performing rendering engine. Thanks to its rich widgets, Flutter is fast, scalable, and customizable. The main reason to use Flutter in the mobile app development process is to reduce the cost of app production and build beautiful apps with smooth animations.

  • Faster to code that accelerates time-to-market
  • Single codebase required to run on both platforms (iOS and Android)
  • Perfect for building MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
  1. Ionic – A Perfect Choice for Hybrid Mobile App Development

Since the beginning of app development, native apps have had a competitive edge over hybrid apps. In earlier days, hybrid apps were often criticized for sluggish performance and immature user interface. However, with age and time, new technologies came into place, and things have radically changed. Since the arrival of the Ionic platform, the mobile app development process has become more streamlined and has successfully bought a classy and sophisticated feel to the space of hybrid apps.

  • It helps you save development time as well as costs
  • Has a broad range of plugins and UI components that make the app look more professional
  • Provides detailed documentation and support
  • Uses AngularJS which makes it a powerful SDK for building feature-rich and robust mobile applications


Hence, these are the top in-demand programming languages for 2022 that promise to grow your business at scale. Hire a top mobile application development company California that helps you decide which technology would be perfect for your business idea. Make the right choice now, and enjoy immense profits in the future.

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