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Free Online Storage Websites

6 Best Free Online Storage Websites

The benefits of cloud storage websites can hardly be overemphasized. For instance, it is a much better option than having to store files on your local PC. This is because it ensures your files are 100% protected and safe. With an internet connection, files can be uploaded, shared, and presented to any target audience. This means you will be relieved of the stress to manage such files/data from your local PC. Instead, everything is handled automatically by your chosen storage website. The challenge is that most people feel this requires money. This isn’t true in any way as there are lots of free online storage websites to explore. In other words, you won’t spend a dime but your files will be safely stored for future reference. Just read the details below to choose the ideal website that can meet your needs with regard to online storage.

1. Icedrive

Icedrive - Free Online Storage Websites

Ice drive is the complete definition of a modern storage website. This is because it has some of the most sophisticated features to ensure your files are safe. Users can update, manage, and access their cloud without any stress. One of its major benefits has been the support of Twofish Encryption to ensure a high level of privacy for the data of registered members. With this, no one has knowledge about your data. The reason is that everything has been encrypted at the client-side.

Its interface is also worth talking about. This is because it can be used by anyone regardless of knowledge about IT. One of the reasons why Icedrive is popular amongst most people is that it allows file size of 10GB to be stored in its database. Finally, it has stream media through which data can be shared with friends and loved ones with the click of a button.


2. Mega

Mega - Free Online Storage Websites

Mega has been around for some time helping people to store huge files online. Just like the site mentioned above, it tends to provide zero-knowledge (end-to-end) encryption to ensure the data of registered users are protected. It means your private documents are fully covered. In case you are looking for the perfecting file hosting service that has been tested and proven, this website ticks all of such boxes. The best part is that you will not be paying a single dime.

Over the years, Mega has built a solid reputation for being privacy-oriented. This means the privacy of users is put ahead of other things. It also allows up to 50GB storage of data. In case you need to store more, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to install its mobile app and desktop app. Each of these will give you an additional 15GB and 20GB respectively. Furthermore, files, as well as folders, can be easily synced via this platform.


3. Google Drive

Google Drive

According to most people, Google Drive is the mother of all free online storage websites on the internet. No one would doubt this statement given the robust features that this platform tends to offer its users over the years. You will be really impressed after experiencing its benefits firsthand. For instance, slides, sheets, and DOCs can be built easily. Real-time synchronization is provided too.

One of the benefits of this free storage site is that stored files/data can be synced across various devices like tablets, mobile phones, and PCs. It offers you the chance of storing files of up to 15GB free of charge. Also, external apps can be easily integrated without any complications. Even if you are using macOS, it is still possible to enjoy the features that Google Drive has got to offer. There is no doubt that storage has been taken to a whole new level given a platform like this.


4. pCloud


pCloud is another great option you can explore today in order to start storing your files. Unlike the above sites where registered users are only allowed a limited amount of storage space, this free website tends to give something extra. For instance, users can get more storage space in addition to its 2GB allowed space. This is possible through its referral program. As you refer more people to make use of its platform, there will be more storage available to store your data. Also, this can go as high as 10GB.

Apart from that, the free storage space you are given belongs to you and isn’t temporary unlike what most sites are offering. The only drawback with pCloud is that its free plan doesn’t come with file encryption features. In other words, you may need to upgrade to its paid plan in order to enjoy privacy and secure data. It still remains one of the best around though.


5. MediaFire


MediaFire is another top free storage website that most people don’t know much about. This is probably one of the best given that it has succeeded in meeting the needs of registered members over the years when it comes to storing and sharing files online. Without any charges, you can store up to 10GB of data.

The best part is that these files can be viewed or shared on social media platforms and through other means. Don’t worry about privacy since its encryption technology is highly sophisticated. It is not only easy to use. Also, any kind of file can be stored like photos, MS Docs, audio files, video files, and more.


6. OneDrive


OneDrive is a cloud storage website that is owned by Microsoft. It is free to make use of provided you have got a Microsoft account. Syncing files is very easy using OneDrive applications. Also, it is possible for expiration dates to be placed on shared files, links, and photos. Please note that the amount of files someone can upload is 15GB. It has great security features and privacy laws. This makes it very reliable and trustworthy.


Final Words

Having seen the above free online storage websites, it is obvious that paying for such services is not necessary. These platforms can help meet your data storage needs without any compromise. If for any reason you plan to store more files than their free plans require, ensure to upgrade your membership.