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Common Web Accessibility Mistakes

5 Common Web Accessibility Mistakes Most Developers Will Make

Hey guys, today in this blog post, we are going to discuss the 5 common web accessibility mistakes most developers will make. So keep reading.

We all enjoy visiting beautifully designed websites, and those who are not in the web design and development world often are not aware of how much work it takes to create a quality website. Whether the business or individual is seeking to have a website, a web developer will need to follow the main idea to create a website that captures all relevant information and communicates it to the target audience.

Another thing that both website owners and developers need to keep in mind is creating an inclusive website, meaning that every user can consume the digital content it entails. This means that developers will need to ensure that the website they are creating is aligned with the ADA website compliance checklist.

What Is An ADA Website Compliance Checklist?

The ADA website compliance checklist is a set of guidelines for everyone creating websites to ensure that all potential website visitors can access all information on all pages. This mostly refers to users with auditory, visual, and motor disabilities who will not be able to read, see or click to get the information they need.

These guidelines help developers to create quality, accessible websites and also rank better on search engine result pages (SERPs). These are some of them:

  • Providing all website content with appropriate headings and titles,
  • Using user-friendly text and font to ensure all information is well conveyed,
  • Populating tables,
  • Providing all visual media with alt tags,
  • Using color contrast,
  • Ensuring all pages are navigable, etc.

Keeping all this in mind, there are still many mistakes that developers make when building a new website, which can cost businesses more than just money.

5 Common Web Accessibility Mistakes

As much as web accessibility is becoming more discussed among developers, there are still many mistakes that others can learn from. From using mismatching colors to not having customers’ needs in mind, these are the mistakes you should avoid making.

1. Poor UI/UX

Some of the best app ideas have resulted in poorly performing websites because of the bad UI/UX. Make sure that the person who provides your business with UI/UX design services knows how to deliver an engaging, informative, and creative website is crucial. How your website visitors will feel once they land on your site is what will determine more than just the organic traffic. For companies that rely on online presence, poor UI/UX can lead to shutting the business down.

2. Low-Contrast Text

Contrasting colors are very important if you want your website to be accessible to everyone. Using light colors on a light background will not produce the results you want. Your website visitors will struggle with reading the text if there are no contrasting colors. For instance, you can use a dark blue background and add yellow text, but you shouldn’t use yellow text on white background.

3. Missing or Incorrect Alternate Text

Are you guilty of uploading multimedia without alternate text? Don’t worry, this can be fixed. However, keep in mind that alternate text is very important when talking about web development and design accessibility because it allows people with visual impairment to receive the information on what your image or video entails via screen readers. The same goes for adding subtitles to videos. All your videos should have subtitles for those with auditory disabilities, but also for those who wish to watch your videos on mute.

4. Overdoing It with ARIA

Many developers will use too much ARIA or add it where it shouldn’t even be. Often, a proper tag will do the job rather than spending too much time on adding ARIA which will do more harm than good. Not all content needs ARIA to be accessible by everyone. So, the next time your developers want to fix something by adding ARIA, study if this is working the way you planned it.

5. Improper Heading Tagging

Many developers, designers, content writers, and content uploaders will improperly tag headings throughout the text. They will focus more on how these headings look to the reader instead of following the heading structure. As much as it is important how your text and heading structure look to your website visitors, it should not be more important than how you are organizing your content. By improperly tagging headings, you will confuse your audience and Google, meaning it will affect your SEO results.

Quality Assurance Testing

It is impossible to guarantee that a developer will build your website without making any mistakes. However, it is your job as the website owner to find someone who will do QA testing and ensure all errors have been resolved successfully. Testing your product, whether it is a software, eCommerce site, or something else is essential if you wish to see your product succeed.

Having experts working on your website allows you to focus on other high-level responsibilities, like implementing marketing or business strategy, seeking investors, or something else, while developers and other professionals turn your website into an accessible digital place.

So that’s all from this blog post. I hope you liked this article on the 5 common web accessibility mistakes most developers will make. Thanks for reading!