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Why is HostingRaja the best place for WordPress hosting

Why is HostingRaja the best place for WordPress hosting?

Not only does HostingRaja make it easy to get your WordPress website up and running, but we’ve loaded your account with features that make your account easy to manage. Such features include:

A WordPress site that includes too many plugins is often slower and less stable too. As a result, our expert optimizer team checked a variety of WordPress configurations to decide the settings that were most stable and fastest. That way, you can spend more time building your site, writing content and promoting it, rather than worrying about speed and safety. Let it happen to HostingRaja Hosting! We are here to do the lifting heavy!

WordPress Preinstalled.

When you sign up for your A2 Hosting account, you get the option to have WordPress installed for you inside our shopping cart. So, you don’t have to worry about downloading and uploading install files to your server. Instead, they do. Your WordPress installation and your site will be ready for you! Would you want WordPress installation yourself? You can do the same! You can even set up WordPress in your cPanel control panel with a1-click.

WordPress Recommended Requirements

To run a WordPress site, WordPress recommends you select a hosting company with the best PHP and HTTPS versions. We at hostingraja have you covered! In reality, the origins of our firm started by providing the latest and best versions of the most popular software for web development. Although software technology has changed over the years, there is no dedication to being the leading hosting company for web development. We even offer free SSL Certificates so that your website can be HTTPS-enabled at no extra cost!

WordPress Managed Hosting option.

Wanna take your WordPress website to the next level? Select our WordPress Managed Hosting option! This turnkey solution was specifically created for your WordPress site from the ground up. Our WordPress Managed Hosting includes: o Turbo Optimized Servers for quicker page loads of up to 20X compared to rival WordPress Hosting providers.

The easiest backups to the WordPress site.

User-friendly WordPress website staging that allows you to check your site’s updates before they are released live to your public. Free Personal license featuring regular automatic backups, CDN Photon image, lazy loading images, security against brute force and more! Comes pre-installed with WP-CLI making it easy to manage your command line WordPress sites.

Migration is free of WordPress website.

Were you ready to experience the difference between A2 and Hosting? We can free of charge to move your website from your current hosting provider! Let our team of experts, who invest regular migration sites on our servers, push your site for a worry-free experience of 100 percent.

Guarantee money-back at any time

We’re so sure you’re going to love our WordPress hosting and web hosting service, we’re going to offer you a full, 100 percent trouble-free refund if you decide we’re not the right hosting provider for you. We just don’t believe this is going to happen! Hostingraja provides a variety of WordPress-specific options to suit the individual needs of your user. Let’s discuss some of the possibilities of a more common program.

Shared WordPress hosting

The tried and tested traditional hosting option, with which many website owners begin. Because it is the most affordable way to get all the basics for your WordPress website, if you are new to WordPress it is fine. This beginner-friendly plan is a simple and low-cost option before you’re ready to upgrade.

WordPress Managed Hosting

Save us the heavy lifting of WordPress web maintenance. With our HostingRaja plan, you get optimized WordPress hosting— extreme performance and security in the
cloud, all free of trouble so you can focus on what really matters: building up your business. Furthermore, you get 24/7 expert assistance and advanced tech access.

VPS WordPress hosting

Running several WordPress sites? This plan choice is the perfect way to support several WordPress websites, offering a high-end production platform, independent tools, and improved backend management. VPS WordPress hosting allows for development and scalability, making it a perfect, total package solution for advanced website owners.

Do you have a lot of traffic or multiple site management? You can opt for cloud hosting from a dedicated server or from hostingraja. And our team can spin custom hosting packages to suit your goals and budget.