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Interactive Elements On The Website

6 Best Interactive Elements On The Website

Hey guys, today in this blog post, we are going to discuss the 6 best interactive elements on the website. So keep reading.

Maintaining a website in the form of a blog, an information service, or an online store is today one of the standard forms of communicating with other people. Wanting to share our thoughts, communicate the content of interest to us or encourage us to purchase the products of our work, we increasingly use Internet communication channels.

The wealth of the Internet gives us virtually unlimited opportunities to transmit and search for information. However, you can use a professional service or hire web designers if you do not have time.

However, it also represents a kind of information melting pot in which it is easy to get lost. Among the hundreds of thousands of sites operating on the web, ours must stand out.

When designing your own site, in addition to a unique design, it is worth considering, first of all, the comfort and needs of its future users. What, then, should be the perfect, “tailor-made” website?

Leaving aside the significant issues of aesthetics, a well-designed and executed website should be characterized by usability, expressed, among other things, in its interactivity.

The interactivity of a website refers to the method and process of communicating with its audience, allowing the active participation of both parties (the sender is, at the same time, the receiver of information and vice versa).

It also allows individual users to interact (with each other) while allowing them to modify their actions, i.e., add and edit content (information, photos, videos, and other multimedia files). By reacting to the actions of individuals, it provides the opportunity to interact with other users. So let’s start our topic: the 6 best interactive elements on the website.

A Short Summary of Your Offer

One enters a site with specific expectations, looking for services or information when one checks out various options. So you must do everything to make the potential customer stay on the site longer. This can be helped by creating and placing an interesting description or listing what is offered (on a separate sub-page).

It would be better if these were not solemn slogans but such promises that could be fully fulfilled. It is worth introducing your team, experience, and achievements on the page. You can also introduce links to fuller descriptions of services. One will then be a so-called expert with a human face.

Footer Filled with Important Information

Regardless of the type of website, there should be some critical information at the bottom of the page (in a clear and organized manner). These will include basic contact information and copyright or privacy policy information.

In the footer – for convenience or as a reminder – you can reinsert the site’s navigation and expand, for example, to include less important elements (which were not included in the basic menu).

Call To Action

In a conspicuous place, there should be an element that will be the so-called closure of the interaction. Often this is a graphic or a catchy advertising slogan prompting the user to click on the button next to such a slogan.

Such an element should be visible as soon as the user enters the site, and its effectiveness will verify whether the site is successful. CTAs can take various forms: enter, buy now, download, and view.

Interactive Infographics

Creating a product catalog and an attractive offer certainly requires detailed research. Why not share this data with your customers?

By providing users with an interactive infographic, you provide useful information and encourage them to share the content using social media (infographics are usually much more popular than traditional articles).

Infographics of this type allow you to, among other things, move the screen vertically and horizontally, click on data sets, and perform your calculations, animation, and sliding slides. We can find this type of infographic example on virtually every website page; which has beautiful animations encouraging users to view the entire presentation. Also, you can check the 15 Best Free Editable Infographic Templates.

Website and Social Media

Nowadays, social networks are triumphing over the Internet. So you need to run them simultaneously on your website; as they will allow even more interaction with web users.

This is when you need to include active links to your company’s social profiles on your website. If you have impressive statistics, you can also present the number of “fans” or page shares on the site.

Quizzes and Calculator

A great tool to grab the attention of customers who are only at the top of the marketing funnel. They do not rely on the direct promotion of your product or service. Instead, they keep potential customers focused on the overall benefits they can get from your offer (even though they don’t know it yet).

An effective quiz is about instilling or awakening a need in participants’ minds. Would you instead use a calculator or watch a bar full of numbers?

A simple quiz, a few questions based on which the user learns something about himself – it can be serious or funny. And he will already spend some more of his precious online time on your site.

Meanwhile, interactive content engages and does not allow boredom. We are supposed to make decisions, complete the data, watch the results, and click and watch the effect. For example, an energy efficiency calculator for our daily caloric needs; where we can fill in several parameters and watch our progress.

So that’s all from our side. I hope you like this article on the 6 best interactive elements on the website. Also, if you like this article then please share it with your friends and social media followers.