Hey guys, in this article, we will discuss the six amazing benefits of microlearning and why you should opt for it. So keep reading.
Employee training programs play a huge role in upskilling your employees and keeping them abreast with the changing trends of the industry. Employee training not only enhances productivity but also increases engagement levels.
Learning & development teams of the organizations always look to deliver employee training most effectively and engagingly. Microlearning is one such learning method that showed better engagement results in recent times.
Microlearning is a learning method that involves short, bite-sized learning modules that are around 5 minutes in length, designed to meet a specific training outcome. These modules can usually be accessed using multiple devices, making learning flexible and easily accessible.
The rise in micro learning proves that individuals retain content much better when information is provided in snackable bits instead of one lengthy course. For this reason, many organizations are now opting for LMS that comes with amazing features to support micro learning and engage their learners. For this reason, many organizations are now opting for LMS like 360 learning that comes with amazing features to support microlearning and engage their learners.
Now, let’s look at a few amazing benefits of microlearning and why you should opt for it.
Table of Contents:
1. Improved Knowledge Retention
2. Better Engagement
3. Improved Completion Rates
4. Faster Learning
5. Cost-effective
6. No Disturbance To Work Schedule
1. Improved Knowledge Retention:
Because microlearning allows the learners to absorb key points and concentrate for shorter periods, it saves their brain from information overload.
This leads to improved knowledge retention. Research has shown that microlearning reduces the potential for mental fatigue by focusing the brain on learning one thing quickly and then taking a break.
2. Better Engagement:
Microlearning engages the learners because it needs their attention for very short periods. So, there is no chance of fatigue, and learners can give their best during the training.
Even if smaller chunks of microlearning modules are provided to the learners, they don’t feel rushed or think that the course is monotonous.
On the contrary, they complete the course faster. Hence, it is always good to have short and specific modules that don’t tire out the learners.
3. Improved Completion Rates:
Implementation of Learning Management Systems and other software learning tools has made learning easy and accessible to the learners.
Now learners can access the content anytime and anywhere with mobile-friendly tools. On top of that, short and bite-sized modules that are easy to consume and complete are sure to boost training completion rates within your organization as well.
4. Faster Learning:
In this fast-paced corporate world, it is hard to find time and focus on learning. It is difficult to complete a course in a week that lasts around one hour.
The micro-learning modules are much shorter than traditional online courses. As a result, it makes it possible for learners to finish multiple courses within a week.
5. Cost-effective:
Microlearning is much more cost-effective than sending employees to training. The teaching materials can be used over and over again. So, you spend less time creating the course for the next batches.
The learners don’t always need laptops and desktops for learning as well. They can easily access the training material on their mobile which makes it an affordable form of learning.
6. No Disturbance To Work Schedule:
Employees don’t need to disrupt their work schedules for learning because they can complete 5 to 10 minutes long courses whenever they are free.
This allows them to continue working on their allotted tasks while still digesting the new information. Because the course module is concise and on point, it doesn’t require much time and attention from the learners.
Although traditional learning is still practiced widely, microlearning is the way forward because of the shorter attention spans of the learners.
The fast-paced corporate world is also one of the other reasons for the rise in microlearning. We hope this article has helped you in understanding the benefits of microlearning.