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Portfolio Website Checklist

Portfolio Website Checklist: All You Need To Showcase Your Work

Hey guys, in this article, we will discuss the portfolio website checklist: all you need to showcase your work. So keep reading.

Having your own presence on the Internet, no matter what industry you’re in is a necessity for any business to thrive. Therefore, building a portfolio should be your top priority. Perhaps it seems daunting, but with the steps provided below, it’ll be a piece of cake.

Regardless of whether you’re a designer, programmer, copywriter, or photographer, you can easily learn how to create an attractive portfolio that uniquely showcases your work.

With the necessary portfolio website checklist and guidelines, you can begin building your portfolio right away. Even if you have zero technical knowledge, and you have a limited budget, you will still be able to do so.

Research has been done in-depth and we have singled out the essentials for all that you need to showcase your work. But before we start, let’s find out what’s actually a portfolio website checklist and why you need one.

What Is A Portfolio Website?

A portfolio website is a platform where you can put everything you did so far related to your work. You can put your collaborations, case studies, projects, experience, as well as necessary information about yourself.

A website portfolio is the best way to highlight your abilities, qualifications, and personality. In this way, you can display your identity through your creations and work such as photographs, illustrations, sketches, blogs, etc.

Having this type of presence means your potential customers will always be able to find you and, if they so desire, reach out to you. In case you still didn’t develop your online visibility, this is your call!

Before we move on to further steps, you can check some online portfolio examples so you can be aware of what we are talking about and paint a picture in your mind before actually doing it.

Why Do I Need A Portfolio Website?

Living in the time of the Internet, having an online portfolio website is your way of representing your business and your work to the world. No matter whether you’re a single individual, a two-person team, or representing a brand, you should have a distinctive online presence.

By doing so you can differentiate yourself, establish credibility, and start building relationships with your clients.

A website portfolio is especially important for employees such as:

  • Art designers
  • Graphic designers
  • Marketing teams
  • Web designers
  • Web developers

However, the list is not yet complete. Those working in all areas of art and design, as well as writers, can benefit from this type of presence. It’s important to keep in mind that if you’re a creator of any kind, your work deserves exposure.

Don’t forget that you’ll need certain tools in order to build a portfolio website. To alleviate the whole process here is the list of the best online form builder tools in 2021.

Portfolio Website Checklist

Before you start creating your portfolio website, first ask yourself what is the purpose. Do you want to promote and sell your products, search for a job or advertise, or simply display the website about your business?

After you determine your purpose, make sure you include your tagline, logo, your work, and contact information. These are usually the basics, however, to be able to stand out from others make sure you include your projects, case studies, blogs (if you own one), and of course client testimonials.

A portfolio site’s primary goal should be to catch visitors’ attention, and the portfolio website checklist below will help you achieve that.

  • Showcase your work
  • The About Us page
  • Presentations
  • Clients testimonials
  • Call to Action (CTA)
  • Blogs

Showcase Your Work

This is about visitors’ first impressions. If they like what they see in those few minutes on your portfolio website, you’ll have a better chance of retaining them. Therefore, make sure your presence is impressive and appealing by using the best website design ideas.

There are many ways to present your content. You can use photos, videos, presentations, thumbnail galleries, etc. Choose the approach that fits your business needs and start creating.

The About Us Page

Here is where it gets personal. Clients like to know the story behind the company or even individual. When they get to know you a bit better, who you’re, and how you started, there’s a big chance that if they like you they’ll decide to work with you. Start with simple things.

State your full name. Might sound obvious but you would be surprised how many portfolios omit it. It’s really a good thing because they can even do more thorough research about you or even contact you via other social platforms.

Make sure you have your profile picture on. Having an avatar instead of some good shot of you working will probably give a feeling that you’re a spammer.

Don’t be stingy when it comes to personal information. Write about your previous education, attended seminars, what you’re passionate about, and even what you dislike. Showcase your preferences, skills, and the way you think. However, don’t go overboard, make it short yet memorable.


Presentations are also known as case studies that have the purpose of representing your projects. Each one of them should have its own story, and the whole process from the beginning until it’s finished. Make sure it’s not texting only. Make it interesting with some visuals like photos, notes, and even videos.

The best way to track all of these things before becoming an actual case study is by using task management software. This way you can define, plan, monitor, observe and analyze your team’s workflow before making an appearance on your website.

By doing so your visitors aka the potential clients can see your real work, and how you managed and operated the whole process from start to finish. Make sure you include things like the purpose of the project, objective, the project approach, its duration, and the final look of the product.

Clients Testimonials

There is no better advertisement than testimonials from your previous clients. The visitors who are here for the first time and come across a good review from your previous satisfied customers can be a big plus.

Do this by politely asking your customers to leave a comment or write their experience in a few words. The ones who were generally satisfied will write them without any problems and provide a testimonial of appreciation. Customers can do it directly on your website if there’s an option, or you can do it by using screencasting software and applying the photo or video as a testimonial.

Call To Actions

The best way to make a call to action is by remembering what’s your purpose for the whole portfolio website. What kind of action do you want potential clients to take? When you answer the question you can make your personalized CTA. Knowing the basic advantages of crowdfunding can help you with this process as well.

It’s also of crucial importance to make it easy for clients to get in touch with you when on your website. It could be a simple business email address or any other contact us form.


Having a blog is a great way of adding some extra value to those interested in collaborating. They can read about things they are interested in while keeping them engaged. The best thing of all is that blogs have SEO optimization which will be great for your Google listing.

Besides blogs, there are other platforms you can use to showcase your work and add some extra value. Those are popular social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, as well as YouTube, and even TikTok. They can be very helpful in showing your uniqueness and at the same time interacting with clients.

Final Thoughts

Build a website portfolio to stay competitive in the business world. Even if you have no knowledge in this area, just follow the given steps and you can do no wrong.

Showcase your work, projects, your experience, and education all in one place. Make yourself or your company visible and memorable in the eyes of visitors, and automatically increase customer retention.

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