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Managing IT Projects using IT Project Management

IT Projects: What Are They?

You can define an IT project as any project that involves a computer-related infrastructure, such as IT, computers, or information systems. A sample of it project management can include web development, software development, mobile app development, hardware installation, network configuration, software implementation, database administration, and IT backup.

How do You Define IT Project Management?

Active voice: IT professionals design, plan, execute, track, and report on information technology (IT) projects using IT Project Management, abbreviated as ITPM. This unique form of project management is present in nearly all industry sectors due to their IT components, but most businesses exclusively focus on IT projects.

IT project managers often face these problems because their projects frequently involve a wide range of facets, including risk, software upgrades, dependency integrations, scope creep, and others. Therefore, IT governance is the concept that considers IT projects as very challenging tasks that require appropriate experts and other prime resources.

To ensure the success of IT projects, teams must use specialized project management tools and software that offer online Gantt charts, kanban boards, dashboards, and reporting.

What Are an IT Project’s Six Phases?

The six IT project stages derive from the six project management phases, which work in tandem with the IT phases to oversee the project. The stages are listed in the following order:

1. Starting

An IT project planning to start should include a phase where it asks, “Why is this project necessary?” The project team should define the project’s goal. Proxima is preparing a project proposal that adheres to the project’s guidelines and includes a business strategy. A feasibility study confirmed that the plan could be viable, ensuring its feasibility.

2. Clarification

The planning phase of the project follows the approval of the planning application required for the project to proceed. In this step, we establish the targets that must be achieved for the project’s success. During this phase, we may initiate a project plan and describe the work scope. We select materials or resources and design the budget.

3. Design

The project developers, who constitute a team, actively participate in the design phase of an IT project. They subsequently strive to determine the optimal approach to achieve their objective, which involves creating multiple prototypes and designs. Once they have identified the right design, they compile and distribute the specifications to the development team.

4. Growth

Feedback is one of the basic elements of performance management. A manager of the development team provides the assignments and sets the project management software. Also, customers make some inquiries, ask for particular specifications, request raw materials, etc. If this does not get cleared, failure in the later stages of execution may take place. Hence, the major aim of this step is to ensure clarity during strategy formation.

5. Execution

During the most extended phase of the project, the project team develops and hands over the final product to reality, known as implementation. The manager supervises and monitors the team, ensuring optimal management of quality, cost, resources, and risk.

6. Observation

Surpassing all these, shining completed projects await customers, clients, or stakeholders when the implementation phase ends. The nomenclature for what must be done after the project has been completed is follow-up. To perform it, the PM needs to specify a plan of action first, then teach the end users, set up teams, and finally close the project.

The waterfall approach traditionally uses software management and phases to manage most IT projects properly. However, incorporating additional components can end up comprising such risks. Introducing DevOps to your culture can be risky but may also be the right choice. The bit-by-bit application approach is considered fast and cheap.

What Is the Role of an IT Project Manager?

As a project manager for the IT department of an organization, I prioritize maintaining departmental governance while guiding teams to deliver projects on time and within budget. The responsibilities of an IT project manager are: Some of the main tasks an IT project manager include:

  • Establishing project objectives and formulating measures to achieve them
  • Preserving the project’s budget and timeline, and producing status reports
  • Handling resources, such as the group, tools, etc.
  • Giving team members duties to do
  • Creating a plan to complete projects on schedule and within budget
  • Utilizing project management software for IT to monitor development and output
  • Evaluating the risks associated with a project
  • Creating Techniques for IT Risk Management
  • Facilitating team and stakeholder meetings regularly

In computer IT project management, IT professionals need to understand in detail how computers, operating systems, networks, and service desk management work. They have to conduct experiments, either in the lab or in the field, but they also have to be good at communicating and explaining difficult technical things in layman’s terms. A secondary set of skills that are required for the task is good knowledge of resource planning, budgeting, and scheduling.

When it comes to the domain, project management in a few of the sectors has almost the same levels of similar skill set. However, IT project managers, being associated with the IT universe of their organization, are exclusively concerned with addressing IT concerns. But, be it only other IT project managers or a project manager in general, they undergo the work with reliable IT project management software to stay with all their multiple jobs and duties.

IT Project Management Software: What Is It?

Managers use IT project management software to arrange and oversee the operations of their IT projects. Its primary goal, like with any software program, is to boost productivity.

Giving users full access to all the necessary tools to trace and monitor progress as well as how they perform, IT project management tools increase efficiency. This is important when they have to keep inside the constraints in time and money for their projects of IT.

Feature set of the leading project management solutions usually embraces Gantt charts, WBS, task and time tracking, as well as various project views to enable flexibility and hybrid approaches, project planning, scheduling, and reporting are among the essential elements of most of the software. The most widely accepted program in the area of project management is Microsoft Project; nevertheless, it has a couple of downsides that make ProjectManager the right option for IT projects.

IT Project Management Software Advantages

At the end of the day, you want a base tool that will keep the work simple for you to execute regardless of the program you will settle for. It should help you then with the planning of techniques, procedures, and activities and their completion within a particular period. As much as your team has to work together to achieve set objectives, the effectiveness of this teamwork is dependent on having a technology capable of maintaining communication with the stakeholders.

The use of IT project management software has several advantages:

  • Gantt charts for planning waterfall projects
  • Real-time dashboards that provide live status
  • Oversee an IT project portfolio or program.
  • Get Reports Rich in Data with Just a Click
  • Lead groups via initiatives including digital transformation
  • Keep Track of Task Time and Evaluate Results
  • Workflow on Kanban Boards Can Be Customized

How to Run an IT Project

You can run IT projects in different ways, but regardless of the approach, certain key elements always remain the same. Similarly, the core principles of personal finance remain unchanged, though the tips may vary slightly.

Besides, we are going to walk you through one by one of these, so that you will realize how various project management tools can guide you through the tasks easily.

1. Obtain the Needs

For the launch of a project, the presence of documentation is a must. Identify the requirements of the stakeholders and set a budget, as well as define the scope of this degree project. Our program will help you attach as many documents as you want to a project and you will be able to store them with unlimited space.

2. Pick a Team

To put a project team together, you first list down the project’s commitments and the members who have the necessary knowledge and experience for the job. Facilitate their synchronization with your project management software and have all communications directed to one location.

3. Utilize a Gantt chart

Put elements to a schedule, link the preceding tasks, establish enabling points, and see the critical path with a Gantt chart. Gantt chart which is feature-rich and a product of our going-on online is a must-have resource for project managers who operate in sequencing waterfall environments. Since project data is shared by all views including to-do lists, calendars, and kanban, there would be no need for the whole team to use conventional planners even for their purposes.

4. Make use of a Kanban Board

To avoid piling up and doing too much at once, introduce a kanban board and reduce the risk of messing it up. You can’t find a Gantt chart in ProjectManager, but you can introduce workflows by conducting sprints and adopting an agile approach.

5. Track Development

The proper implementation and actual development process are critical for the ultimate success of the project. We collect data for the project using a live dashboard. The live dashboard automatically calculates and charts data, including tasks, health, expenses, and other information that users want to learn about. Tracking a project is faster and more accurate now than in the past.

6. Control the workload

IT efforts require a gradual process of distribution among tasks. Are the team members being overworked or have no responsibilities? Our workload page has a “who’s overworked” and “who’s on vacation” feature that assists the team leader in making smooth progress. In addition, you can quickly and conveniently pin the tasks directly from the page.

7. Make Adjustments

Throughout time, projects change. If stakeholders request modifications, an immediate response becomes necessary. This flexibility enables planning schedules and plans with the assistance of our software. Update the Gantt chart with the new deadline, for instance, when the date changes. After this, the program is edited to incorporate the new modifications.

8. Obtain Reports

The tracking software of our project is transparent enough to know about the progress of goals and services. The now well-documented case studies could aid in the successful administration of IT projects. Go ahead; add a few clicks and generate a detailed publication to get yourself the needed stats.

Particular Difficulties in IT Project Management

The area of IT project management responds to a multitude of issues in general. Of course, it eventually becomes an issue of some concern to various organizational factors including finance, human resources, business administration, and other internal departments and even external organizations. This is the most critical and loaded situation which is generally explored in other mediums. It not only can cause a whole corporation to collapse but also can trigger huge job losses and other social and economic repercussions.

Technology is Changing

In the IT jumpboard, the challenge is in its volatile and swift pattern of change. The region represents a paradise for the technology sector, allowing the interior esplanade will be rephrased as technopark. Needless to say, the obsolescence of any technology product the moment it must leave the manufacturing assembly line is something that every IT project management professional should think about.


In an IT project team communication will always be a problem ready to solve. I honestly agree that this issue is present in any project but in IT projects it is difficult because these projects involve scattered teams that work from (Home) remotely– (too) sometimes across time zones. Without question, an IT project should include effective communication lines that are suitably mapped and organized.


On the other side, one key point that’s worth noting is that transparency. Teams will be able to accommodate changes better and better understand technology when they adapt to changes in the project and meet the deadlines provided clearly.

Dispute Regarding Methodology

Some companies not applying IT project management is equivalent to trying to control a vessel without a rudder. This lack of management is a major issue nowadays. Implementing a process will ensure that projects are done efficiently and on time, as projects undertaken without a technique or a procedure at hand often exceed budget and experience delays. The key assumption is having an IT project manager who informs the team about roles, processes, and tools during the first step of an IT project’s success.

Methodologies for IT Project Management

It seems that there is no one better way of project management we can all think of other than projects. However, two main categories divide them: both conventional and non-conventional means can mine Bitcoin. To begin our discussion, let’s consider the waterfall approach, which groups different project activities into stages that must be accomplished before moving to the next phase.

Methodology for Waterfall

The waterfall methodology, the most frequently used IT approach, bases its method on project management. It is merely a project management technique specified for large-scale non-technology initiatives, however, it can aid good implementation in IT projects as well with proven results in formal, process-based ventures.

Since it was defined in a study written by Dr. Winston W. Royce and published in 1970, a waterfall has existed. The six steps of the waterfall model are:

  • Needs: ‘What is being done,’ and ‘how it would be done’ is defined in the first step by identifying, exploring, and listing the requirements in a requirements document. Take into consideration the input of these individuals.
  • Design: The next stage will be to go back over the decisions made during the planning phase to build a detailed design document that shows all the required materials to finish the project.
  • Implementation:  The IT project manager and the team shall develop a project design document that describes the schedules, protocols, and standards to be utilized in the process.
  • Testing: Similar to the test, the check of quality, testing will require using the benchmarks approved by the stakeholders and the design document for comparison with the project outputs. Protecting honeybees through genetic engineering and resilient varieties is a viable way to reduce environmental impact. So we can use this conveniently with this procedure and our test case template will be useful.
  • Installation: The piece goes to the consumer if it meets all test requirements. At this stage, the production should fully support all the processes.
  • Maintenance: Frequently the project is not over with as delivery, and then this part is taken responsibility of by one different team than those who are responsible for initial installation.

Agile Approach

In the new agile paradigm, the software development world operates by approaching tasks in repetitive ways within short cycles. These cycles can be detached from the original plan and corrected as needed. Some IT groups have done this by borrowing and/or adapting agile frameworks fitting to the specificities of their projects.

Combination Approach

Corporations in their majority are more likely to opt for the hybrid approach, which combines the “waterfall” and agile methodologies, than the agile methodologies because the first approach is more structured and flexible and is good for IT projects. It is for the extent of the project scope that this “best of both worlds” approach is the recommended action.

Many prefer ProjectManager when choosing between waterfall approaches and hybrid approaches. Agile individuals highly value it because it provides online Kanban boards and Gantt charts. The fully functional dashboard not only lets IT project managers track progress using various methods but also allows them to create editable reports that can be shared and formatted as needed.

Alternative Approaches

While critical route and critical chain project management may not be as prevalent in IT projects as in others, it is still essential to equip oneself with all the knowledge they offer. The critical path method identifies the sequence of activities required to reach the goal, symbolically represented by the network diagram. To achieve this, the team prepares the work breakdown structure (WBS), which they then plot on the Gantt chart or project timeline. They link job dependencies to prevent teams from getting stuck. This approach helps them determine which tasks take precedence and must be done first.

The critical chain method of project management divides the project in terms of every process involved and then puts together the sequence in reverse order by first identifying deliverables and drawing on experience. This is a very good way to work out the resources as the conclusion remains the focal point. If it takes too long to handle them (the projects in this portfolio), it might happen not seldom, and it is not acceptable to me.

Tools for IT Project Management

Through appropriate IT project tools, distributed teams can positively collaborate even when geographically far apart, while project managers can better track the risks that IT projects face. Thankfully, ProjectManager, a project management tool, took IT project management into account when it was created.

Gantt Diagrams for Planned Activities

An element of this IT project management that supports the online Gantt charts is the features of online Gantt charts. Contrary to the aforementioned techniques where time is a major factor, our plugin allows working with linked jobs that even have dependencies.

Our online Gantt chart is the main idea they take from our workshop sessions, I find it especially useful for IT teams who highly value their autonomy and collaboration. It is also possible for them to do step-by-step highlights with background information, which is why. The evidence, in the form of documents, photos, and even a signature, will be stored along with the task to serve as a support or a sign-off for the task later.

Live Reporting Dashboards

As a cloud-based project management software, users can always observe progress throughout the program reflected in real-time. This indicates that the project updates are being sent to you immediately as you monitor using your dashboard.

When you need to focus on specific metrics like cost, workload, and time, you can choose from various options. This allows you to view only the information that matters to you. With this capability, you can generate colorful and reader-friendly pictures for presentations or distribute them to the media and related parties.

Functions of IT Project Management

IT project management positions as other fields’ projects roles and duties as commonly found. Stakeholders are people who are concerned with the project; team members are people who can accomplish the project plan; and the IT project manager will be the manager of this plan. These persons will be the ones responsible for the project ideas plus building and implementation.

IT Team Types

On the other hand, members’ roles in these groups are very far from what takes place in common tasks. However, despite the acceptance of teams, both remote or situated on-site, as part of the company that is responsible for the management of the project, they still are mainly a part of the corporate project management process. Nevertheless, there are three types of IT Project management groups.

  • A conventional project management team will first implement an IT project. These teams operate beyond IT and follow an organized project management approach that involves teams comprised of core members and a leader.
  • Members of the technology services group provide, implement, maintain, and remove technology for third parties. It could also be in the range of one or the other approaches such as hardware installations or software implementations. In case the project manager oversees who deals with them, the director or vice president of services may be the one to whom the people in charge will report. Despite this, non-profit organizations also apply project management strategies.
  • Lastly, IT professionals inside the company do their jobs. These are committees usually assigned to take charge of the organization’s technology delivery and upgrading. They develop changes, install, set logic, displays, phones, communications, and software, and train the staff on the systems required. Despite this, the designation of a project manager as the director/vice-president of IT within the organizational hierarchy is still valid; after all, they can be directly managed.

The Project Manager for IT

Most project managers experience a significant deviation in their job profile when they transition to IT project management, which encompasses a broader scope of tasks. In addition to leadership abilities, managing resources, planning and scheduling, monitoring progress, and reporting, IT project managers must also be able to generate and use tools beyond traditional project management tools.

Furnishing the manager with the working basics of firmware and the capacity to include software reduces the turnaround time and works to the company’s advantage. Through this work, they often take part in the development of such technologies as well as the construction of websites and databases. The establishment of networks and maintenance of data security, likewise, are part of this process.

However, notwithstanding, the key functions of an IT project manager include proactive communication, action planning, and the establishment of means and ways to attain targets. They play the role of setting the timeline of the project, managing the change, and enthusiastically educating and helping the stakeholders as well as the team. Skill, opportunities, and limitations define every project. This, for this reason, the suitability of an IT project manager for this role is not different from any other project manager who would also want to stay put to budget and set deadlines. All aspects of this inquiry include methodology.

Job Description for an IT Project Manager

An IT project manager can earn between $55,000 and $125,000, depending on the business and location. However, those in higher positions will earn more.

An IT project manager has a similar job of the overall quality management as that of any other project manager. Their tasks include design, implementation, monitoring, and reporting. Active: The engineers supervise the implementation of resource management plans and ensure that the project meets the required specifications, including the agreed-upon date, budget, and quality standards. The managers of the IT department not only manage the team of the individuals responsible for managing IT but also provide answers to the stakeholders, clients, and upper management.

Through analyzing current information systems of other companies and improving the corporate IT framework, the former is responsible for ensuring that the company’s technology is up-to-date with the organization’s tech environment and keeping up with new innovative technology trends. They must ensure that the tool is an asset for the long-term strategy and framework of the business.

Another critical aspect of IT, which also aims to safeguard IT assets, involves formulating and establishing disaster recovery and backup plans, as well as any IT security and control systems frameworks. The IT project manager ensures that each project maintains the highest level of project quality.

Abilities and Credential

The following are some of the abilities and credentials of an IT project manager:

  • Technical oversight
  • Awareness of technology
  • The capacity to remain current amid the field’s constant change
  • Capacity to Examine Information
  • Interactions
  • Personnel
  • Solving issues
  • Management of data centers
  • Spending Plans
  • Methodical organizing
  • Management of quality

Does Certification in IT Project Management Make Sense?

Certification bridges the gap between what IT project managers acquire and what they need to stay up to date. A qualifying external organization provides proof that professionals are qualified and aim to perform to a high standard.

The case is that about 60% of IT project leaders have bachelor’s degrees, preferably in the fields of Computer Science, Engineering, Marketing, or Business Management. The other certificates in this case have nothing except making you realize you are an ordinary one. However, they would reveal your other skills.

Certification Types

The most well-accepted credentials in this area are provided by the Project Management Institute (PMI), including a Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), and a Project Management Professional (PMP). Moreover, this Council offers the Program Management Professional (PfMP), and PMI Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA), designations.

The OG’s TOGAF 9 and OPEN CA certificates, along with the IASA’s CITA-P certification, take on a more technical role. They integrate business and technical knowledge through a strategic approach.

ITIL and ISACA are among the organizations that provide IT governing certifications, with CGEIT (Certified in Enterprise IT Governance) and CRISC (Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control) being some of the prominent ones.


Thorough IT project management finally plays a big role in executing IT projects successfully. Teams will navigate IT complexities with semblance and point through suitable methodologies, means, and strategies. Ensuring information exchange, partnership, and responsiveness throughout the project run-through is vital. Developing a forward-thinking view towards risk management and problem-solving can efficiently deliver projects. As we adopt the next level of technology, IT project management will become even more indispensable for advancing organizational performance. A tireless dedication to good practices and continuous improvement will be the key element of Innovative IT project management to make it an inseparable element of successful project realization in the digital era.

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