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Product Sorting Options in Magento 2

Mastering Product Sorting Options in Magento 2: A Comprehensive Guide

Product sorting is a fundamental aspect of enhancing the shopping experience for customers in any e-commerce store. Magento 2 offers versatile sorting options that allow merchants to customize how products are displayed to their customers. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore product sorting options in Magento 2, uncovering strategies to sort products by date, popularity, position, price, rating, relevance, and more, to help merchants optimize their online store’s user experience and drive conversions.

Understanding Product Sorting in Magento 2

Product sorting in Magento 2 refers to the ability to organize and display products based on various criteria such as date added, popularity, position, price, rating, and relevance. By offering multiple sorting options, merchants can cater to different customer preferences and facilitate easier navigation and product discovery.

Sorting Options in Magento 2

Magento 2 provides a range of sorting options to meet the diverse needs of merchants and customers:

Sort by Date

Sort products based on the date they were added to the catalog, allowing customers to view the newest additions first. This sorting option is ideal for showcasing new arrivals and highlighting the latest products in the store.

Sort by Newest

Similar to sorting by date, sorting by newest displays products based on their release or availability date, ensures that customers always see the latest offerings at the top of the list.

Sort by Popularity

Sort products based on their popularity or sales performance, showcasing best-selling items and top-rated products first. This sorting option helps customers discover trending products and make informed purchase decisions based on social proof and popularity metrics.

Sort by Position

Sort products based on their assigned position in the catalog or category hierarchy. This sorting option allows merchants to manually organize products and control their display orders within specific categories or collections.

Sort by Price

Sort products based on their price, allowing customers to view items in ascending or descending order of price. This sorting option is useful for budget-conscious shoppers who want to compare prices or find products within a specific price range.

Sort by Rating

Sort products based on their average rating or customer reviews, first showcasing highly-rated products and customer favorites. This sorting option helps build trust and credibility by highlighting products with positive feedback and reviews.

Sort by Relevance

Sort products based on their relevance to the customer’s search query or browsing context. This sorting option uses algorithms to analyze product attributes, keywords, and user behavior to deliver personalized search results tailored to individual preferences.

Implementing Product Sorting in Magento 2

Implementing product sorting options in Magento 2 is a straightforward process that can be configured through the admin panel:

1. Navigate to Catalog Settings

Access the “Stores” menu in the Magento 2 admin panel and navigate to “Configuration.” Select “Catalog” under the “Catalog” section to access catalog settings.

2. Configure Default Sorting Options

In the catalog settings, configure default sorting options for product listings, including options for sorting by date, popularity, position, price, rating, and relevance. Choose the desired default sorting option for each category or product listing page.

3. Customize Sort Order

For additional customization, merchants can manually adjust the sort order of products within specific categories or collections. Navigate to the category settings and use drag-and-drop functionality to reorder products according to preference.

4. Test and Optimize

Once sorting options are configured, thoroughly test the sorting functionality across different product listings and categories to ensure that products are displayed correctly and that sorting options function as expected. Monitor customer behavior and feedback to identify areas for optimization and improvement.


In conclusion, product sorting options are crucial in enhancing the user experience and facilitating product discovery in Magento 2 stores. By offering various sorting options such as by date, popularity, position, price, rating, and relevance, merchants can cater to diverse customer preferences and streamline the shopping journey. With Magento 2’s flexible sorting capabilities and customization options, merchants can optimize their online store’s navigation, improve conversion rates, and ultimately drive business success.

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