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How To Test Your JavaScript API With Puppeteer

How To Test Your JavaScript API With Puppeteer?

Hello guys, today in this article, we will discuss how to test your JavaScript API with Puppeteer. So keep reading.

Puppeteer has risen to become one of the two most popular and widely used automation frameworks since its original V1 release in January 2018. But there are people out there who still think what it is. So, what exactly is Puppeteer testing? And why do people, developers, and testers in particular, like it so much? Puppeteer was created by Google. It gives a simple but powerful interface in NodeJS for automating testing and other operations using the Chromium browser engine.

Prior to Puppeteer, testing user flows in web applications required either an automated headful browser (such as Firefox with Selenium) or a Headless browser developed on top of its own unique JavaScript engine. A headless browser is one that does not display any UI, as opposed to a headful browser, which is what we use to interact with the internet. This necessitated making trade-offs between speed and dependability.

Puppeteer is developed so that it can aim to eliminate the trade-off by allowing developers to conduct their tests in the Chromium browser environment and providing them the freedom to employ headless or headful browsers that operate on the same underlying platform as their users.

Puppeteer was also designed with developers in mind. This meant that the developers who maintained popular testing frameworks like Mocha were encouraged to provide Puppeteer support. This contemporary tool was well supported since the very beginning. Therefore, it gained enormous appeal within the development community.

But before we delve into some intricacies, let’s have a look at some fundamentals. Read-on!

Javascript API

A RESTful web service that works well with the JavaScript programming language is the JavaScript application programming interface (API). Developers may use this API when they want to incorporate data retrieval capability into their programs or websites. The GET request method is often used by an API that many JavaScript users prefer.

A POST request, on the other hand, may be used to generate objects for categorizing things or detecting particular material in the request’s response body. A POST request may retrieve components from the results of a recipe-based API. Responses are returned in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. Using popular JavaScript APIs is surely said to help new JavaScript developers in particular.

In addition to this, any organization that needs to get information from external sources can benefit from JavaScript APIs. Although there are many other programming languages that are available in the market, JavaScript is a sophisticated scripting language. It is quite simple to understand and implement. Complex code may be handled through third-party APIs for JavaScript apps. This enables new developers to rapidly add the features they need, allowing them to get their applications to market faster.

Organizations may save money on operational expenditures for updating and testing. APIs are a viable option for maintaining a huge on-premise network of manually developed code to get data from several external sources. The greatest JavaScript APIs provide speed and low latency, allowing developers to create applications that place minimum demands on the server. When employing JavaScript-friendly APIs, improved speed is critical.

With the greatest JavaScript APIs, businesses can expect to obtain data in the quickest amount of time. An API makes it easier to use endpoints to access external sources.

What Is Puppeteer?

Puppeteer is a Node.js module, as we said before. It offers a high-level API for controlling headless Chrome or Chromium. Also, it interacts with the DevTools protocol. The tool is supported by the Chrome DevTools team and a fantastic open-source community. As previously mentioned, headless implies you are working with a command line interface rather than a graphical user interface. Puppeteer is designed to run headless, but it may alternatively be set to run full (non-headless) Chrome or Chromium. The program has increased in popularity since its release owing to the large variety of capabilities it provides with extremely lightweight code.

Benefits Of Using Puppeteer

Let’s look at some of the benefits that Puppeteer has to offer:

  • Puppeteer is an excellent testing platform since it is simple to use, quick, and offers a diverse set of functions.
  • Puppeteer runs quickly because it employs headless Chrome or Chromium. Because headless browsers lack a UI, they are quicker than standard browsers. Furthermore, Puppeteer can run numerous instances of Chrome or Chromium in simultaneously, which speeds up the testing process even further.
  • Puppeteer is simple to use. It is built on the DevTools Protocol, which is also used by Chrome Developer Tools. This implies that if you are comfortable with the Chrome Developer Tools, you will be able to rapidly get up and running with Puppeteer. Furthermore, Puppeteer includes a variety of utility functions that make common operations like collecting screenshots and making PDFs simpler.
  • Puppeteer offers a plethora of capabilities therefore, it makes it an ideal tool for web scraping as well as automation. Puppeteer, for example, may be used to capture screenshots, traverse websites, make PDFs, and much more. Also, Puppeteer may also be used for testing reasons. Puppeteer, for example, may be used to click on links and buttons, fill out forms, and verify that the intended outcomes are presented on the website.

Puppeteer Automation and APIs

API is basically an abbreviation for Application Programming Interface, and by now you would know it. It is like a piece of software that acts as a conduit between different software systems or online applications. If there’s one thing that we like about APIs, it is their self-esteem. They are also pleasant. Because Puppeteer is an API in and of itself, it offers up a plethora of possibilities for creating a data-gathering funnel that starts with Puppeteer and extends all the way to anywhere you want. You may configure the tool to communicate with another API, displaying the collected data directly in the UI of another web application. Alternatively, you may connect another piece of software (such as your database) and have Puppeteer feed data straight into it.

APIs make data collection and transmission relatively simple. You may use Puppeteer on Chrome to extract eCommerce data and update it immediately on your eCommerce websites. You can scrape SEO data, social networking data, and organization information, and transmit the data straight to where you need it. Whichever one applies to you, the truth remains that the Puppeteer tool allows you to take your data extraction to the next level. Of course, you must remember to scrape ethics and avoid using this tool to breach the privacy of persons or companies on the internet.

Puppeteer cloud grids such as LambdaTest enable large-scale Puppeteer testing. LambdaTest is a platform that will enable you to execute automation testing on an online browser farm of 40+ browsers and OS systems to accelerate and scale test execution. In addition to this, it improves product quality while increasing test coverage. There’s no need to be concerned about Puppeteer infrastructure issues. Let’s tell you a fun fact. With only a free sign-up, LambdaTest gives you your first 100 Puppeteer automated testing minutes. It is the world’s fastest-growing cloud Puppeteer Grid and you can additionally benefit from manual cross-browser testing, responsive testing, and more.

Well, that’s not the end, LambdaTest is a quick, dependable, scalable, and secure orchestration and test execution platform. This popular platform enables users to do manual as well as automated testing of web and mobile applications across 3000+ operating systems, browsers, and real device combinations. Furthermore, organizations may use LambdaTest to assure speedier developer feedback and, as a result, a faster time to market. LambdaTest is trusted by over 500 organizations and 1 million+ users in over 130 countries.

How to test your JavaScript API with Puppeteer?

Let’s have a look at how you can test your Javascript API with Puppeteer. You may improve your testing using Puppeteer by following certain best practices. This section will provide you with a list of recommended practices for improving your tests.

  • It is critical to utilize the waitFor* functions with caution. Overuse of these functions might cause your tests to run slowly. Parallelizing your testing wherever feasible is critical. This will help your tests perform better overall.
  • It is critical to limit the number of activities you execute in each test. This will make your tests run more smoothly.
  • Always maintain your test code up to date with the newest Puppeteer modifications. This ensures that your tests are functioning properly.
  • When running your tests, use the core team’s supported Node.js versions. This ensures that your tests are functioning properly.
  • When running your tests, you must utilize the headless mode. This will make your tests run more smoothly.
  • When running your tests, make sure you utilize a properly configured test runner. This ensures that your tests are functioning properly.
  • Puppeteer should not be used for site scraping. Many websites’ Terms of Service prohibit this. Use Puppeteer only for lawful reasons.

Make sure you thoroughly study the Puppeteer manual. This will assist you in properly using Puppeteer. It is also recommended that you read the headless-chrome documentation as well. Puppeteer is a robust web page testing and browser automation tool. It is a must-have tool for developers and quality assurance specialists. You may optimize your tests and enhance the overall performance of your testing process by following the best practices outlined above. You may optimize your tests and enhance the overall performance of your testing process by considering hiring a Node.js developer and following the best practices outlined above.

Final Thoughts: Test Your JavaScript API With Puppeteer

The answer to the question “what is Puppeteer?” is quite simple. The issue of the possibilities that exist with this intriguing piece of software, on the other hand, is far larger and more difficult to accurately address. However, we do know that when it comes to online scraping, Puppeteer provides an extra benefit and addresses an issue that many web scraping providers have been suffering with for some time.