Home / WordPress / 5 Best Free Directory Themes 2024
Free Directory Themes

5 Best Free Directory Themes 2024

To construct an online platform where like-minded persons collect to browse and submit, these Free Directory Themes are a perfect match. After looking deeply into the world wide web, we managed to acquire a number of different objects for crafting your own or your purchaser’s directory internet site.


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List of Best Free Directory Themes



A directory is a unique theme concept, for WordPress.org. With Directory Theme, you can easily create an online portal and submit your business listings.


Supreme Directory

Supreme Directory

Supreme Directory Theme is the sleekest and faster loading theme for GeoDirectory. It is a Child Theme of our free theme Directory Starter and it is free as well.


Directory Starter

Directory Starter

Directory Starter is a free directory theme for WordPress designed to be used with our GeoDirectory plugin and all its add-ons.




Larrys List is a directory or classified ads theme. Built on a Responsive framework, makes it perfect for mobile, tablets and desktop. The main listing page will show a set number for latest listings.


Business Directory

Business Directory

Business Directory for WordPress is one of the easiest themes to build your Web Presence in 10 Minutes. Just within 5 Simple Steps. The Theme is highly customizable and with the presence of several background patterns and Theme Options, You can have your own branded new Website for your Business or Personal Use in Minutes.