Since cryptocurrency made its entry into the market with the innovation of bitcoin, it has experienced huge surges in its growth. As of now, the most rapidly growing cryptocurrency is bitcoin based on price and demand. The more Bitcoins or cryptocurrencies are achieving success in the market the more we are getting to understand and know the flaws of the traditional financial crisis that has been prevalent in society for ages now. Because of these flaws, they have made deep inroads in society. But how do you understand and know all about Bitcoins? You will find out all about it by going to different Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency statistics to understand how it is working and what trend it is following currently.
Some Interesting Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Statistics
Bitcoin and Crypto Stats on Social Media Every Three Seconds
Bitcoin is a very popular and trending topic on social media. It is so popular that you will be amazed to hear that every day there are 28,866 posts on social media. That means every hour there are 1,203 posts which amount to 20 posts every minute of the day.
Tether – The Biggest Cryptocurrency in February 2022
If you think that only Bitcoins are very famous and popular, then you are mistaken. This is proved by statistics that reveal that as of February 2022, Tether is the biggest and most popular cryptocurrency. It had by far overtaken Bitcoin. At that time when Bitcoin was worth $56 billion, Tether was at $108.77 billion. So, according to this, bitcoin came second and Ethereum took third place at $24.51 billion.
User Numbers
In total, 300 million people are holding onto cryptocurrencies. Approximately 59.1 million Americans are owners of some cryptocurrency or the other. There are about 80 million blockchain wallet users across the world. Vietnam is the highest-ranked crypto adopter. India follows with Pakistan behind. And with the advent of apps like Bitcoin Prime the usage is slowly but steadily increasing.
70% of the owners of cryptocurrencies are males but in terms of representation, it is only 48% of the general population. But women who are only at 30% represent 52% of the general population. More than 18,000 companies accept cryptocurrencies across the world.
Number of Cryptocurrencies
When the crypto thing began there were only a few handfuls of the coins that were circulating in the market. As of 2022, there are more than 12,000 cryptocurrencies. Since 2013 when it gained maximum popularity since its inception in 2009, the rise in coins was massive. Though there are so many different types of cryptocurrencies not all are popular or known to everybody.
Daily Bitcoin Transactions
The number of Bitcoin transactions per day was 330,000 in 2020 and that mark reached 400,000 in 2021. The total numbers of Bitcoins that can be had are 21 million only. It is fixed at that. So after that to earn revenue from the cryptocurrency you will have to do so from the transaction fees. Block rewards will leave the Bitcoin scenario. So whatever benefit and profit that you want to enjoy from it do so now.
Increasing Market Value
The Bitcoin market value is gradually increasing but it has drooped several times too. Its value has gained by 193,639.36% from 2012 to 2020. The maximum Bitcoin transactions took place in the first quarter of 2021 and in that year its value increases to its peak over$68,000. Now, in August 2022 it again dropped to around $23,000.
Number of Crypto Exchanges and ATMs Spread Across The Globe
It is unbelievable but true at the same time that there are approximately 300 crypto exchanges around the world. This fact is true as of 2020. There are several big players in the market but before you enlist with any of them you have to do your homework to get down to the best. And who is the best player in the market will be the outcome of your research and networking.
And if you talk about crypto ATMs, then there were around 14,000 of them in January 2020 and there were 915 additions in February. These machines are manufactured by a few companies that have different share values in the market. Genesis Coin is the largest manufacturer with General Bytes a close second.
From all these Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency statistics, you can see the immense popularity that cryptocurrencies nowadays are enjoying. It is not only prevalent in America but the global community has joined the crypto bandwagon with much aplomb and craze.
Also, you can check: Understand The Right Time To Sell Bitcoin.