You want to load your website quickly. If you are running your website on the WordPress framework and facing slow loading speed, then this article, 30 Best WordPress Caching Plugins, will help you improve your site speed. I am going to share some of the best free WordPress Caching Plugins that will Speed up your site and make your visitors happier. So, without wasting your time, let’s start accessing this plugin.
Also, don’t forget to check our previous helpful article on 40 Best Responsive Free WordPress Themes.
WP Fastest Cache – WordPress Caching Plugins
This plugin creates static HTML files from your dynamic WordPress blog.
When a page is rendered, PHP and MySQL are used. Therefore, the system needs RAM and CPU.
LiteSpeed Cache
LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress (LSCWP) communicates with your LiteSpeed Web Server and its built-in page cache (LSCache) to deliver superior performance to your WordPress site.
Automatic WP Super Cache
This plugin generates static HTML files from your dynamic WordPress blog. After an HTML file is generated, your webserver will serve that file instead of processing the comparatively heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts.
W3 Total Cache
W3 Total Cache improves your site’s SEO and user experience by increasing website performance and reducing download times via features like content delivery network (CDN) integration.
Comet Cache
If you care about your site’s speed, Comet Cache is one of those plugins that you absolutely MUST have installed 🙂 Comet Cache takes a real-time snapshot (building a cache) of every Page, Post, Category, Link, etc.
Cache Enabler
The Cache Enabler plugin creates static HTML files and stores them on the server’s disk. The web server will deliver the static HTML file and avoid the resource-intensive backend processes (core, plugins, and database).
Hyper Cache
Hyper Cache is a cache plugin specifically written to get the maximum speed for your WordPress blog.
A persistent object cache backend powered by Redis. Supports Predis, PhpRedis (PECL), HHVM, replication, clustering, and WP-CLI.
WP Super Cache
The plugin completely clears the cacheWP Super Cache from the admin menu directly.
Nginx Cache
Purge the Nginx cache (FastCGI, Proxy, uWSGI) automatically when content changes or manually within WordPress.
Breeze is a free, simple (yet powerful) and user-friendly WordPress Caching Plugin developed by the Cloudways team. It offers various options to optimize WordPress performance at multiple levels.
Simple Cache
The simple cache was constructed after getting frustrated with the significant caching plugins available and building sites with developer-only complex caching solutions that reach millions of page views per day.
Pantheon Advanced Page Cache
For sites wanting fine-grained control over how their responses are represented in their edge cache, Pantheon Advanced Page Cache is the golden ticket.
Super Static Cache
Do you need clarification? Do you need help with the complex wp super cache or cos-HTML-cache settings that are not working on your blog? This is a cache Plugin for WordPress with simple configuration and more efficient caching Efficiency.
Purge Varnish Cache
Purge Varnish Cache integrates your WordPress site and multiple Varnish Cache servers. Based on configured actions and triggers by the site administrator, Purge Varnish Cache sends a PURGE request to the URL of a page or post every time.
Powered Cache
Powered cache is a comprehensive caching and performance plugin for WordPress. It comes with built-in extensions that improve your website’s performance.
Harrys Gravatar Cache
Accelerates the site speed by simply and effectively caching Gravatars (Globally Recognized Avatars) so that they are delivered from their web server and do not need to be reloaded from the Gravatar server.
Clear Sucuri Cache
It clears the whole Sucuri cache for the desired domain with one click.
Clear is done from the WordPress admin panel or plugin’s page. The current version contains functionality that purges individual files by URL and clears the Sucuri cache after the Save Post action.
C3 Cloudfront Cache Controller
This simple plugin clears all CloudFront cache if you publish posts.
You can easily use CloudFront in front of WordPress.
SNS Count Cache
SNS Count Cache is a plugin that uses a cache mechanism to shorten page loading time and display share and follower counts.
Pods Alternative Cache
Pods Alternative Cache provides optimal performance with Pods sites on hosts with no object caching or low limits. It was developed for and tested against the WPEngine platform to improve the performance of cached objects generated from Pods, but it works on numerous other hosting providers.
Blizhost Varnish Cache Purge
Blizhost Varnish Cache Purge requests the Blizhost servers to clear the cache every time your site’s content is modified. This occurs when publishing, editing, commenting, or deleting a page or post and changing themes.
Vendi Cache
Vendi Cache turns your slow database-driven pages into very fast static HTML files.
WP Engine Advanced Cache
This plugin leverages some specific WP Engine tools and general web options to increase a WordPress site’s cacheability.
Alpha Cache
This plugin caches web requests and stores static HTML code. You can configure what URLs do not cache, what users shouldn’t be cached, etc.,
FB Cache Cleaner
This plugin will force the cache of Facebook’s OG when a post or page is saved or updated.
Allows the user to cache the output of any shortcode by adding a cache attribute to it.
Easy Cache
Most caching plugins focus on techniques appropriate for the desktop era to minimize the server load and increase performance. But that era is behind us, with mobile devices accounting for more than half of the web traffic.
WP Spider Cache
WP Spider Cache is your friendly neighborhood caching solution for WordPress. It uses Memcached to store both objects and page output.
BB Delete cache
With BB delete cache, you have a button in the admin bar to clear Beaver Builder’s cache for the current post or the website.