List of Best Free YouTube WordPress Plugins
Your WordPress YouTube embeds, YouTube gallery (channel and playlist), and even YouTube live stream can be customized in a wide variety of ways with this plugin.
Youtube Widget Responsive
Widgets + ShortCode responsive to embed youtube in your sidebar or in your content or in a visual composer, with all available options and fields.
Modern responsive YouTube video gallery. Easy embed videos from YouTube playlist, channel and videos IDs to your WordPress website.
YouTube Embed
YouTube Embed is an incredibly fast, simple, yet powerful, method of embedding YouTube videos into your WordPress site.
Yottie Lite
Yottie will become a reliable assistant for bloggers, online stores, brands and anyone else who strives to attract an audience with interesting content. Choose any video, add it to your custom groups and share your YouTube playlist with everyone.
Do you create or curate YouTube videos? Now turn your website with YouTube links into an engagement platform.
YouTube Channel
When you need to display sidebar widget with latest or random video from some YouTube channel or playlist, use plugin YouTube Channel!
YouTube Gallery
YouTube Showcase helps you display YouTube videos in a gallery or grid view on your site. It is designed for simplicity. Please watch the introduction video to get started.
Simple YouTube Embed
Simple YouTube Embed plugin is the easiest way to embed YouTube videos in WordPress. This plugin extends the default YouTube embed with advanced player parameters.
YouTube WD
YouTube WD WordPress plugin is developed to let you incorporate YouTube videos, channels or playlists with your website. Its responsive design and powerful functionality will help you achieve this quickly and easily.
WP YouTube Live
Displays the current YouTube live video from a specified channel via the shortcode [youtube_live].
SM YouTube Subscribe
The plugin for subscribe to youtube channel using channel id.
YouTube Playlist Player
Display a YouTube player (with an optional playlist) on any post or page using a simple shortcode. The plugin supports a static YouTube player (no video title) and a dynamic one (video title) using the YouTube Data API v3.
Import YouTube videos
Import YouTube videos as WP Posts is a simple plugin that allows you to search Youtube videos from the admin panel (with keywords, channel or playlist ID) and add the videos you pick to your posts.
Youtube Master
The perfect WordPress plugin if you have a sales or multimedia (video, music clips) content website. Why?, this plugin was specially designed and coded in Html5, no errors or conflicts with light speed page loading times, a must for any video display.
Elfsight YouTube Gallery
Welcome, Elfsight YouTube Gallery – a powerful YouTube plugin that allows to display video galleries and single videos on your website, and create unique video portfolios.
TM YouTube Subscribe
Use this professionally designed widget to add YouTube subscribe box to your website. You only need to specify major information like API key, channel title, and channel URL.
Youtube SpeedLoad
Youtube SpeedLoad allow rendering in browser youtube players much faster!
WP Youtube Gallery
“wp-youtube-gallery” is the very simple plugin for add to simple youtube gallery on your site.
Simple YouTube Responsive
Embed YouTube videos and Keep their aspect ratio, just using a simple shortcode.
My Youtube Playlist
This plugin adds a youtube video and a list of thumbnails of your choice. The thumbnails are clickable and replace the youtube video without reloading the page. The interface is fully customizable from the CSS.
Video Gallery YouTube
Video Gallery WordPress Plugin allows you to create a video gallery for WordPress. Video Gallery looks very impressive and functional.
YouTube FancyBox
A Youtube Fancybox uses colorbox thanks to Jack Moore to show YouTube and Vimeo video in a popup box on click of thumbnail which is generated from Youtube and Vimeo video.
Youtube Live Stream
This WordPress plugin provides a shortcode to automatically embed ANY live stream from a specified YouTube channel ID. [youtube-live] It comes with an admin settings page to let you set the options for the embedded YouTube Player.
Easy YouTube Gallery
Use this plugin when you wish to quick insert gallery grid composed of custom selected YouTube videos.
Optimize YouTube Video Embed
Avoid loading YouTube player each time your page loads which impacts performance. Using the shortcode provided by this plugin, a banner image with play button will be displayed instead of the YouTube video iframe.
Mona Youtube Downloader
This simple but powerful plugin will help you increase your site’s traffic by providing your users a very helpful function: download video from youtube.
Advanced Youtube Channel Pagination
The plugin is useful for showing youtube channel videos with pagination. This plugin for list youtube channel video on your website.
Playlist for Youtube
Display Youtube playlist on your website. This is the free version.
In plugin configuration, just paste a link to one Youtube video or if you know URL to Youtube channel. Create an account and paste Application ID. Aklamator will find all videos on chosen channel and populate your first widget.