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NFT Scams

Read This If You Want To Avoid NFT Scams

In the digital market, NFTs are becoming much more prevalent among enthusiasts. The market of NFTs is blooming, all thanks to Blockchain technology! In the upcoming years, the popularity of NFTs will not decline. As this technology will have more real-life applications, people will buy it for its utility. Read more about 3 Proven Ways To Buy Bitcoin Anonymously. With Blockchain technology, we are now getting a fantastic mix of innovation and creativity. Many express that we will witness a digital revolution with new technologies like NFTs. But, like any other virtual space, NFTs are also not free from risks. You may face similar scams in this market as well! Read this blog to find out how to safeguard against such NFT scams!

Everything You Need To Know About NFTs

To avoid NFT scams, you need first to know what NFTs are and more about them. NFTs are virtual art pieces that are unique. If you are an investor, you will find a wide range of options to select from to invest in NFTs. Besides that, these tokens have many advantages and real-life utility that you can make use of.

Also, if you are a creator, you have a good chance of making a great profit. You can turn your digital art into NFTs and sell them for good prices at any NFT marketplace. It is an excellent option to make a great profit from your passion. With the help of NFT, you will get royalties for your art.

So, the rates of your unique art piece will depend on the ongoing demand. New types of digital art are becoming more popular. And you can sell them at reasonable rates. The trade of these tokens takes place via Ethereum in most cases. It supports other Cryptocurrencies as well, like altcoins.

These tokens offer a good source to earn as an artist. Because it is easy to use and offers faster payment options, NFTs are a good decision!

Scams In NFTs and Things You Should Know About It

Online scams are a risky aspect when it comes to investment. NFTs are also not free of such digital frauds. As this technology runs on the Blockchain network, you will find the same dangers in NFTs as in Cryptocurrencies! Some incidents prove this aspect in clear terms.

In February last year, hackers stole NFTs worth around 1.7 million USD from an NFT marketplace named OpenSea. Another firm, Ronin, faced a loss of around 600 million USD from a cyber attack. Many other cases of such attacks and scams are happening all around the NFT market.

Blockchain provides tight security and saves the records of transactions. Despite this, the NFT marketplaces and Crypto firms face attacks. All these attacks lead to huge losses. Apart from attacks, other kinds of risks are involved in the NFT marketplaces. These can be software infections, fake networks, and others.

Tips To Avoid Similar Scams

NFTs involve vast funds, so you must be careful about the same. Check out these tips to avoid different kinds of NFT scams!

Legitimate Wallets: Ensure you set up your accounts and wallet from an authentic source. Remember to check out the reviews of the platform and their legitimacy to be assured of being safe.

Research: Carry out proper research before investing in these tokens!

Software: Invest in good cyber security software like VPN applications and anti-malware programs.

No-sharing: Say a big “No” in sharing passwords or essential credentials. Even if you trust someone, sharing passwords is not a wise option!

Apart from these options, you can also turn on security measures to protect your wallet. And, if something seems suspicious, listen to your guts and drop the idea of investing in it! Even though the project seems much better than it should be, leave it.


This online space is full of scams; you will find them in NFTs too. Something that brings a huge amount of money attracts scammers as well. Because they can find their targets easily here, scamming around becomes easy.

To avoid NFT Scams, consider following these tips and save your NFT wallets. If you are new to Crypto trading, check out Bitcoin smart. It is the official trading bot used by millions of investors!