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Importance of Your Website Design in Branding

The Importance of Your Website Design in Branding Your Business

Hey guys, today in this article, we will discuss the importance of your website design in branding your business. So keep reading.

When you hear about a viral thing, you instinctively head over to the specific brand’s website scoping to see more about it. Today’s consumer base, just like you, is more tech-savvy than ever. So, the importance of branding a website remains a no-brainer. Ensuring proper website scoping is key as well to your business.

In this section, we intend to walk you through the significance of wisely implemented website design. Also, we will list some fundamentals of such design.

Why is Branding a Website so Important?

The current world is a world of influential marketing, and a great website is a hallmark of influential marketing. The online market is brutal and requires you to stay competitive. So, it is about time you consider branding your website in a more up-to-date fashion. You can look up to all those high-end brands for inspiration.

Moreover, if you are ready to take your brand design to the next level then you must check out to find the brand design agencies San Francisco to help you get your brand noticed.

We cannot help but mention Nike as we speak of inspirations and excellent brand personality examples. It not only wins us over with its sleek shoes but also its perfect web design. With a significant focus on striking graphics, Nike’s webpage is a leading example of the ever-evolving design of the web.

In terms of layout, the website is simple, with text, call-to-action buttons, and multiple product images. Everything, including the background, is bold and impactful. Above all, another e-commerce trap we are guilty of falling for is their clever use of illustrations.

7 Ways Web Design Aids Your Branding Strategy

7 Ways Web Design Aids Your Branding Strategy

Here are seven ways to how having a compelling web design boosts your branding strategy:

It Helps in Building a Narrative

Your company is not just another brand in the market. It has an identity, personality, and, most importantly, narrative. There is a reason you exist, and that reason becomes your brand story.

Incorporating an engaging story with authentic messaging and high-quality images is a good strategy for branding. Klientboost seems an expert at telling its brand story by aligning the copy and – vibrant images.

It Helps Your Products Stand Out

Creatively branding a website is more than fancy logos and colors. A strong brand is a visual representation of your company’s values, products, and services.

Where apps like Venmo, Zelle, and ApplePay use a cheerful way of paying for things, Paypal does not. Its site easy-to-use with no fluff, and no unnecessary bells and whistles, which many customers appreciate.

Builds Trust and Credibility

Poorly designed websites look suspicious, and no one wants to trust them. On the other hand, professional website design signals trust and establishes you as a credible brand.

Qualio earns the trust of its potential prospects by using its website as a means to answer their queries. Most of their users assume quality assurance roles, so they help them with audit issues and guide them about improving the quality of medical devices.

Creates a Lasting Impression

Users form an impression of your website within a few seconds of their visit. An appealing and updated website sends a positive impact immediately.

If you visit Toggl’s website, you will see vibrant colors, cute illustrations, and catchy animations on their home page. In addition, the site is an epic example of strategic content management. Besides, their content is so nicely segmented that it instantly creates a lasting impression on the visitors.

Ensures Consistency Across the Website

For people to get familiar with your brand, you need to have the same fonts, styles, and layouts across every page of your website. Carefully crafted website designs help businesses stay consistent in these areas.

When it comes to branding consistency, Planet Fitness nails it. In fact, it is so on point that their color palette is one of the most recognizable in modern advertising and marketing.

Customers Appreciate It

Your web design is like a bright, modern, and inviting customer service rep. Initially, it is through your website that your users know you put effort into making your people feel welcomed.

The Discord website is much more than the regular cooperate websites in terms of color, playfulness, and liveliness. It is quirky instead of cold, plain, and uninviting. The imagery is perfect for intended niches, like shoes, video game controllers, and board game pieces.

Competitors Cannot Outrun You Easily

There is no better motivation for branding a website than knowing it can give you an edge over your competitors. By designing your site creatively, you leave them lesser chances of outrunning you.

Gucci was a highly influential brand until the mid-2010s when its old ways stopped inspiring millennials. In 2015, the brand decided to focus on modern styles of online presence and polish up the logo. Consequently, these changes led the brand into a highly lucrative period over the next five years, both financially and socially.

7 Key Elements of an Effective Website Design

Here we have a list of fundamental elements your website should have as a part of your branding or rebranding strategy.

1. Easy Navigation

Let us suppose your website receives impressions, but the users do not choose to stay. They find the design too complicated and challenging to navigate. That is a loss on your part because it will eventually affect your website’s ranking on search engine result pages.

If more and more users continue to bounce back, Google’s Rank Brain update will trace that. It might consider that users do not find your page helpful. Consequently, other websites will rank above you and affect your SEO.

Therefore, if you want the leads to stay on your page, you must implement a website design that is easy to use.

2. Aesthetic Design & Graphics

Humans are visually oriented creatures, and utilizing great graphics is one way to keep them hooked to your website.

Suppose your website welcomes a new visitor who could be your potential lead, but within a few seconds only, that user becomes your customer. It can only happen if your website design is less complicated and aesthetically pleasing at the same time.

3. Engaging Content

Undoubtedly, content is the backbone of any branding strategy. You cannot engage users if you do not have interesting stories to tell them. There is no mystery why companies hire a whole bunch of people who are only responsible for coming up with compelling and unique content.

Content is a vast paradigm, including videos, images, text, and whatnot. Therefore, while branding a website, special efforts should go into the content you put on display.

Visual elements are great for increasing engagement and breaking up text. However, some companies tend to go overboard with them, thus overwhelming the users.

4. Responsive Website Design

People tend to rely on their smartphones a lot nowadays. Solutions to even the minutest of queries are a click away. As the reliance on mobile phones increases, the need to implement a responsive website design also increases.

Your users will also access your website through a multitude of devices other than computers. But they are most likely to leave early if your website does not fit their gadgets.

5. Less Buffering Time

You can have a perfectly aesthetic website with amazing content, but it will be no good if your target audience does not see it. The world is getting faster, and users are getting impatient. They do not want to sit and stare at a blank screen waiting to buffer.

So, you ought to keep an eye on your page speed in addition to other factors. If your page takes forever to load, your users will lose interest and land on a competitor’s page instead.

Google Page Speed Tool is a great way to get insight into your website’s speed. With the help of information provided by this tool, you can make necessary improvements.

6. Call-to-action and Chat Boxes

Once the prospects are on your website, you need to convert them into your clients. Your website design can play a key role in fetching new and loyal clients. Providing them with the shortcuts to do business with you in an easy and enjoyable way will drive sales.

The shortcuts can include chat boxes and call-to-action buttons. These features will get your customers to proceed with their queries or purchases.

7. Search Engine Friendly

It is good to have visitors to your website, but they can be more useful if the visitors are your potential customers. By implementing a design that is SEO friendly, you will not just drive traffic but the right traffic.

The best part about Search Engine Optimization is that you do not have to spend money on achieving a good ranking, unlike paid marketing and advertisements.

Wrapping Up: Importance of Your Website Design in Branding

Even if you have a minimalistic shop, creating its online presence is necessary to thrive in the modern marketplace. But a mere online presence would not help you alone. The way you exhibit your products and services to the world matters.

So, before you roll up your sleeves and jump onto branding your website, take a step back and understand why you need to do it in the first place.

You can also list down a few websites that stand out in terms of web branding. Then, identify what it is about those websites that make them stand out.